
Good god I’m glad that’s not the same everywhere. I’m in the very beginnings of getting a divorce (soon to be ex husband is currently in rehab otherwise I probably would’ve filed already, but he gets out this weekend and then we’re starting the process of everything, including getting the house ready for sale). And

MFM threesome is the way to go, personally. But to each their own.

I’ve met a few of your kind. And appreciate every single one of you. Well done!

You are very correct from my experience being raised Methodist in Iowa (I’m somewhere between agnostic and atheist now— nothing at all to do with the church, just as an educated person I came to the conclusion that pretty much most organized religions are complete bullshit). The sermons were never “these certain

YESSS. I loved all the iPod commercials because they pretty much always had great music that I simply had to download and discover more songs..and buy those too.

I was gonna say no. A year ago it would’ve been a hard no. But something has been happening in the last year where it’s kind of like he realized he was a total douche and is now totally aware of it and trying to not be as douchey.

Girth 4 eva absolutely.

I think the fraud part comes in when they charged users $19.95 for supposedly totally deleting any trace of their information from the site, which in fact as we’ve learned they did not actually do.

It really doesn’t take much money.

I, too, have received this perplexing oral sex technique. If I’m not feeling it I tap them and tell them how much I want to feel them inside me (though tbh, usually the sex isn’t all that great either with these dudes... but it at least moves things along).

This is me. There’s definitely been vomit when deep throating that I’ve just choked back down and hoped they didn’t notice the feel of my last meal on their dick before I could get it back down and continue.

Or the opposite of this where they just kind of stick their finger in you and let it chill there. One finger. Barely moving. That’s basically akin to a tampon in my vagina. Does nothing for me.

Preach! Leonardo DiCaprio has NEVER done it for me. I never got the appeal. He was always too scrawny in the beginning, and now...just no.

LMAO this is so my mother. See also: “Should you be wearing that?” “That’s an interesting outfit.”

As someone who inherited her sausage arms from my mom and her mom before her...I don’t give a fuck. I bare my arms when it’s fucking hot out (and it’s really fucking hot in St Louis this time of year) or when my outfit is cute as hell. My arms are the bane of my existence (well thighs probably more so, but I can hide

Yes, this. Go in for deoderant, come out spending $150 on makeup, soap, food, wine, casual tshirts, yoga pants, BluRay movies, etc etc. It is waaaayyy too easy to spend $600 at Target.

Like me! The Pill gives me some sweet, sweet relief from my what is my horrendous natural cycle. I have PCOS and was put on the Pill when I was 16—over two years before I even had sex for the first time. I went off the Pill a few years ago when I went to try to get knocked up. OMG, it had been nearly 14 years since I

Oh totally. That’s what most people think when they hear “cabin.” I kinda thought the same thing until my first cabin trip with my bf at the time. There are definitely the quainter cabins to be sure (most if not all have electricity and plumbing though—these aren’t shacks in the woods for the Unabomber), but I highly

LOL @ “rustic cabin.” I mean there are a lot of what people would consider “rustic” cabins, but more than likely it’s at least what normal people would consider a pretty damn nice lake house with his kind of money. My in-laws and their friends are similar in wealth and assets (having cabins and other vacation

The man lives in Minnesota. He’s most likely hiding in his cabin. Or a friend’s cabin.