
Both of my cycles of IVF ended without a pregnancy, and while it is not the same thing as an ultrasound, I do have images of all 6 embryos. If I’d had a positive outcome, I would treasure the picture for sure, but having them now is just heartbreaking. I loved those stupid cells so much, and I don’t want the throw

No no no!! Marriage is not required. The sure-fire way to open even the toughest of jars is to tap the lid, all the way around, on the counter. Opens every time. No man involved.

mild spoiler alert

This font size is appropriate imho

Go see it. It’s the sort of movie that is so visually stunning you have to see it on the big screen.


I loved that Joan feels like it takes two names for a business to sound real. When Peggy didn’t bite, she just used her own! Another revealing detail: when Joan asked Peggy to be her partner Joan was wearing the fuchsia dress that she wore when she was sexually harassed in her Topaz meeting with McCann. She hadn’t

Maybe there’s a difference between “Do you support the death penalty?” in an abstract sense, and “Do you support the death penalty, for a crime where the person is very obviously guilty, and when that crime is exceptionally horrific?” Have you ever heard someone say “I don’t support the death penalty, but in this case

This image is breathtaking.

When you’re posting stories like this, you really shouldn’t just take the media’s word for it. You should post a link to the bill itself:

What drives me crazy about this (among many other things) is that it assumes that they need a law to keep women from having abortions after 20 weeks or women will just get late term abortions on a whim. As if any woman WANTS to have an abortion that far along. Having a late term abortion is a very hard, sad choice and

My personal fav is afternoon delight as well!

The worst part about morning sex is walking around with leaky semen panties all day.

Like a fuck-siesta.

Can't stop laughing at Obviously Clint.

Men (at least men of my generation) seemed more interested in impressing other males with arm candy than being with a person who actually makes them happy. I have a friend in his 40s who admitted that one of the reasons he’s been chronically single and unhappy was that he always seeks out the kind of women who will

In my experience, super hot guys appreciate average looking women (me) more than average looking guys do. My theory? Super hot guys want to be appreciated for more than their looks, and want to be seen as deep and smart and substantial. So a smart woman with accomplishments strokes their ego more than a hot girl.

Every mention of Louis CK around here somebody says they’d bang him in a heartbeat. If anybody can think of a female equivalent I’ll buy them lunch.