
Yes. The problem isn’t maxi dresses, it’s that there are too many poorly cut ones made of terrible fabric out there.

I love maxi dresses. You can pry them out of my cold dead hands.

I feel there is a caveat to the Maxi Dress debate. And that is, they DO look good on very tall people. I say this as a very tall person and one who ever time I wear a maxi dress gets compliments on it. It’s one of the few things that tall-ys can get away with (along with certain type of drop crotch pants).

Bosch. Those things are worth every penny. They’re so quiet.

I shave my stache and my chin pretty much everyday. Yes, I get stubble. I hate it. But plucking takes like 3 hours and I just don’t want to waste that time. I’m not a candidate for waxing because my hair grows back so quickly I’d be in there every two-three days. One day I’ll get the laser hair removal.

I am a mythical bearded lady (thanks, PCOS!) and I shave every day. Otherwise I grow a fab beard.

I clicked on 25 of those men. Whatever, I fully admit to being a total slut. And for the record, I would totally bang Robin Thicke for the story.

He’s a moped. Fun to ride, but I wouldn’t want my friends knowing about it.


Tbh, all my ill advised sexual encounters have just given me more character.

Me too. I’m fine with my beer belly and big thighs but my chin fat pisses me right off. I would absolutely try this. Fix armpit flab next, science!

Gimme some boob tape, i got this.

I’m not a flower obsessed bride, but I sure do love showing off my tits.

Now playing

CENTER STAGE! Holy crap do I love the final performance...

Poor actors? Competition? Ballet? Bitching about your lack of turnout in first position? Say no more, I’m def in. This will be my life now. No sarcasm.

The reproduction part kills me. Fuck that.

My curling iron is amazing, it doesn’t have a clip and is super easy to use. You just wrap your hair around, and thats it.

Was vacillating between screaming “JUST FUCK STAN, PEGGY” and “OH JUST RUN AWAY WITH PETE, PEGGY” last night

But... how? What does that even mean? How would the 2 way mirror work with something behind it on Hallow’een? I can’t even work that out!

Whenever I think Florida can’t Florida any harder, it always goes and outdoes itself.