
It’s not like anyone going to break into the helicopter in the 6 seconds it would take you not to be an entitled, lazy meatbonnet... But you do you.

Lol! Parenting is hard. No one is denying that it’s a pain in the ass to do stuff like make an extra trip across the parking lot when your kid is melting down. Unfortunately, parenthood is not a free pass to make the entire world around you cater to your needs and pick up your slack.

Maybe Pizza_Snowflakes and Skelter_Snowflakes are just SO special that common social consideration simply must go out the window.

Ummmm... this weirdo has...

*raises hand* Not that I’ve actually done it, but yeah. Would do. (Late at night when there are no people around, obvs, but some people are into sex in public places. Ahem.)

Return the cart before you buckle her in?

I’m more confused about finding one random sock or shoe on the sidewalk. I always wonder what transpired before that, and what happened to the other one ...

I know! I remember being called fat as a really young kid and I look back at pictures of me from like 5-9 and I was a very healthy looking girl. Sure, I was tall and maybe a little older looking for my age, but I wasn’t fat. But holy fuck did I internalise that shit and have it wreak havoc on my life for ever

I was told I should shave my legs since the 3rd grade. I begged my mom to let me but she wouldn’t until I was in the 6th grade (using Nair). I got holla’d at by grown men starting around 12. I was called “fat” and made fun of by other kids as young as 8, but looking back at my pictures, I was perfectly normal. I think

this avatar, tho

"Please rap on my vag" is literally the best thing I've read in at least a week.

The other thing is, the past 5-6 years of my life have been fucking TERRIBLE. I was laid off from my job when the economy went to hell, got into grad school (which was great but expensive and at times, very stressful), my dad was diagnosed with a terminal brain illness, I had to drop what I was doing in my own life to

I grew up around a lot of really old people. Some of them had been married forever. Almost every woman I had known was a stay at home mom, a nurse, or teacher. But all of them were married. Not all of them were happy. Divorce was still a little scandalous. And once these ladies’ husbands died either through heart

That was wonderful. This point cannot be made often enough: two extra hundred dollars added to the cost of the procedure, two extra days to think about it, 300 extra miles to travel — these are obstacles that make a legal option impossible for some women. It’s disgraceful.

I love this so much. It is basically a perfect PSA since it normalizes abortion and it tells such an unremarkable story and that is SO important. Good for her for being brave and speaking up-something that ideally we should all one day feel alright about doing.

A few of my friends pity me when I go solo and I laugh because they are stupid and missing out.

I mean, technically the last dude’s cum I swallowed could have been a child but no one is accusing me of being a cannibal.

This is so strange, because I’ve experienced those things on the pill (I’m not negating your experience at all, just observing). Like the lightning shock pains! I also have gotten them in my vagina before. Obviously different bodies react differently to different hormones, but it’s interesting to me when one person’s

All the times I’ve said something to a man, was kind of ignored, then what I said was repeated by another man and that turned out to be a great idea/funny/helpful/worthy of attention.