
This is what kills me about these “Christian” business owners. A photographer/baker/florist/DJ/venue/caterer could easily avoid booking a gay wedding* or whatever else makes them feel morally uncomfortable (ugh)—EASILY—by just saying “Sorry, looks like we’re already booked that weekend.” Done. That would be the end of

Same. So bad. Actually thinking about it, the next few guys I kissed after him were terrible too. Maybe something to do with being a teenager? By the time I got to someone who didn't kiss like they were literally trying to ingest my face I was like YESSSSS LET'S BONE, and THANK CHEESES he'd been with an Older Woman

As a 6'8 man I heartily endorse your predilections.

I can't wait until marriage so I can STOP swallowing

On the opposite side of the how to think about reproductive rights spectrum - dc is opening the first abortion clinic made to be a spa-like experience. Imagine, a civil and calming way to go through what can be a stressful procedure.…

DUDE. I'm so with you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE cleaning and organizing while stoned. I wouldn't say it makes me more efficient but it provides focus for the task at hand which is weird because it has the opposite effect for many other things.

As a light, but regular smoker (a few vape hits after work does the trick quite nice) who didn't start smoking until after college I've found that I need to take like a week break maybe every two months. I get to a point where I just need a bit to shake off that "fog" that you mentioned.
But I prefer it to drinking,

The CEO of Salesforce has announced that he is pulling all business from the state because he doesn't want his workers discriminated against.

I agree with the bedding thing as well. I have actually said to a guy "You are 27 years old, get a bed frame". To me, it's just a small sign of being grown up and put together. I do my best to make sure my apartment is together, and the person I'm seeing should do the same. To me, it's a sign of taking pride in your

I absolutely don't do this (i'm 35, good looking in shape female, never been married, work in creative and pay rent and have a roommate due to student loans, never owned a car). This is just how my life went and i don't expect anyone to be 'better' than that.

For me, it's a symbol that you have your life together. It says that you aren't transient and that you can afford at least one decent thing. I am a former floor bed owner, and I noticed a big difference in how my room felt and how visitors responded to me when I had a real bed.

I think it's just a general "adults have beds with frames" kind of mindset. I think most of us grew up with parents who had bed frames, not a mattress and boxspring set on the floor, and so the idea is somewhat ingrained. Something about it does look sloppy, unfinished and juvenile.

RUGBY *drool*

As a soon-to-be divorcee, your meandering is like music to my ears. I am leaving my husband but can't move out for another 2 weeks when my new lease starts. It's fucking driving me insane but oh my god am I excited.