
Yeah they are basically charging a bottle price per shot.  And its $15 for fries!  The prices are intentional, its for the type of douchebag who thinks spending money = classy.

What a tremendous loss... I’m just beside myself with this news.

But if you take away most white people’s racism - what sort of “heritage” will they have to be “proud” of?

It's a good thing we prevented all those imminent attacks on US military personnel in Iraq with that murder.

I fucking hate Trump and I wish he Nd his Republican cronies would die a horrible, painful death.

Gamers still only recognize two genders:

I really liked it. Saw it several times. And I majored in film theory and history. It’s such a well directed movie, with so well written characters, handling viewer’s emotions perfectly, with a visually beautiful made up world.

If You Care About Avatar in 2020, Please Seek Help”

Good. Double the fuck out of taxes. Do it. Tax the obscenely wealthy at equally obscene rates. Double my personal taxes. I will happily pay them if they enable our country to drag itself into the modern age and provide TRUE universal health care, robust public transit, and effective social safety nets for the most

Puscifer’s “The Humbling River” is carrying a lot of weight here.

Now playing

Heather has me do the top image for this post yet did not include my favorite trailer of the decade, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. I feel betrayed.

You don’t need to do anything. Watching and reading extra materials gives extra context, but you don’t need that extra context to enjoy what The Mandalorian or Star Wars for that matter.

Remember kids, every time a so-called moderate Republican opens their piehole to object to the president’s antics, they were complicit in the race-baiting and socialist fear-mongering that got this guy elected. You can’t dump gas on a fire and then be all surprised when it starts burning everything.

Sorry to be depressing but I’ll be glad when Christmas is over. I’m feeling so lonely and forgotten. Nobody has sent me a card for Christmas even though I bought a cheap pack and sent them out and nobody has sent me a present. I’m sat by myself on Christmas Eve crying and will be waking up alone on Christmas Day. I’m

“Eric Levitz said it was steeped in ‘anti-white politics.’ ”

This is the essence of the White Supremacist’s propaganda - that Black people hate White people as much as racists hate Black people. Like we started all this mess? GTFOH.

While Dark Souls 3 is another From masterpiece and I’m sure you’ll very much enjoy it, I really recommend you play 1 and 2 first (if you haven’t already).

Dark Souls 3 ruined Bloodborne for me. I can’t help but compare and feel like I should just start a new playthough of DS3 rather than continue my first run through Bloodborne. Have fun!