
Granted, she probably knows good and well he became a felon working for Trump. It’s just these people are so bottomlessly empty and cynical they’ll default to the most shameless way to deflect things every time.

I think they think they work. Like, somewhere in Ivanka’s walnut-sized brain, she truly believes that flying somewhere, giving a ten-minute speech, and attending a cocktail reception is actual work.

It would be cool to see her silently mouthing these words from the basket that collects her decapitated head as her blank stare becomes more blank.

How poetic would it be if Trump had a fatal heart attack from all the stress this will cause tomorrow. He would die in Vietnam, when his father tried so hard to avoid having his idiot son sent there.

I’m glad I’m not the only one that picked up on that. Do these people even bother taking a second look at their deflections?

I know - like all the important people around Trump are getting indicted for crimes they committed largely on behalf of him, and Sanders still thinks we’ll view them all as unconnected. Like Michael Cohen’s status as a felon is somehow exonerating for Trump!

Just as the White House will continue to insist that there is no link between Trump’s repeated vilification of and calls for violence against the media and acts of violence against the media, they will insist that any actions taken on Trump’s behalf were not at his behest, but were rather the vile, putrescent doings

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.

God, the fragile masculinity of some of the men I’ve seen comment on this outfit.

Society is for the people that live in it.

Can’t be. They had an armed security guard I’ve been reassured over and over by the GOP and the NRA that a good guy with a gun will always stop a bad guy with a gun.

I actually love coming back between missions and talking to all the weird NPCs. I think their dialogue is pretty fun (sexy fun) and don’t really care if it doesn’t “add up to something” down the line. I obviously don’t want it to be like real life, where I meet dozens of people a day whom I will never care about or

“Babies in cages,” Johnson told the Post. “I didn’t think it was going to be this bad.”

If he gets life in prison, it would be merciful.

Well, and his attempt to equate the KKK - a designated hate group - with two government bodies with their federal investigative power lawfully granted under, you know, the Constitution, is just ...

Fair point well made. As an atheist, I often forget to bow and scrape to my religious overlords, and defer all my life decisions to them. I blame my higher education and feminism for my lack of respect, and so should you.

Exactly. If he had any heart at all, he could easily buy these poor girls up out of their contracts so they wouldn’t have to hook anymore, as well. I think my average local hooker runs about $100 locally, so $79 ($79? Why not just $80? It’s a fucking brothel, not Costco!) is fairly cheap. Shouldn’t this idiot be

Against access to birth control.

And everything dies.