
More stupid shit from an organisation based on stupid shit.

$26 for a shot of -12- year old Glenfiddich?!?!?  

Nope, that’s a Force Upgrade. You need Push to access the Workshop on Bogano.

Maybe there’s a low key way to make it part if keto diets.

We’re witnessing the literal reason the second amendment was written.

Yeah forever wars and the dumpster fire that is the military industrial complex are definitely where that money should be going.

Yes, the end.  Shut the fuck up.

That header gif!?  The dead hands.  Nightmare fuel.

Yo damn that’s a spiff suit jacket Eddie’s sporting.

Fuck Nerf Now.

Mike Ditka shaved his moustache!?

Hard to take this rag seriously without Death Stranding on this list.

Hi cowtongue, you’re a fucking moron and dismissed.

And that is more of an indictment of the system than the individual. Or have we forgotten the U.S. Gymnastics Organisation, Epstein and Weinstein. Or perhaps the “grab ‘em by the pussy” Resident?

Hi hot take, you don’t get a voice.

Yeah I did not say that, but you construe how you will.

Death Stranding does not belong here.

Violence is not the answer” is some horseshit “rule” oppressive power structures want you to believe.

There’s no looking past a show that nominated the horseshit that is Death Stranding as GotY.