
“I disagree with her, I think everyone knows how I feel about climate change as religion on the left”

I’d throw Mankind Divided in there too.  Square really fucked this series.

Pro-tip for poaching, when the water is boiling, stir it up into a good vortex before dropping the egg.  

Oh right, that show that tried to back jack-a-lope a thing.

“white carpet in her kitchen”

The lack of self awareness here is staggering.

About fucking time.

Shoot the fucker.

Lol, wholly shit you bitch.

lol ruined Star Wars.

Counterpoint, Jason.

So hard to pick a favourite, but my mention goes to Witch’s self titled (‘06)

Never doubt the republican party is the most effective terrorist organisation,

I like to imagine it’s a concerted mental effort to have Chump’s head explode right then and there.  Scanners style.

He probably subsists on a strict diet of margarine and mayo sandwiches with a side of boiled chicken.

Yes, by being dead.

Man that sucks.  The revival was great.

Scorsese biopic you say.  Harvey Keitel could pull the title role off.

Her and her entire family should really be burned at the stake.  It pisses me off to no end that Erik Prince is still a free man.

I imagine they mean in public, I expect those closest in relation to ‘x’ Mandalorian (same clan, etc) will have seen each others faces.