Shut up.
“watching his underlings and former supporters wise up”
No one that writes for this website should do game reviews. You all fucking suck at them.
I can’t fucking wait for this movie.
Reiser! Stick to the Kominsky Method.
Indeed, good thing that’s not the only thing they’ll be looking at, and cross referencing will paint the bigger picture of his criminal enterprises.
Hell yeah!
Ash vs the Evil Dead brought back that hand in a brilliant way. Damn, what a good show.
Also, laundering Russian money through his properties.
Bruce Campbell was born to play Ash, but yeah he’d make a good Sully.
Oh I had no intention of making the implication that depressed people make bad parents (I don’t know if T.I. is depressed or not, but shit!), my point was more that depression makes it extremely difficult to want to be seen, to go out, to see those you love. Commonly depression seems to whisper in ears that you’re…
Han was the only one who shot. The fucking end.
Interesting or not, it sucks.
GOP rumblings never have anything to do with ethics. So don’t worry about it.
I don’t give a shit about Owen Wilson himself, hence my not knowing his relations with his other children (which, again, was not addressed in the linked article).
His relationship with his other children was neither indicated in this article or within my realm of giving a shit.
Ah, he struck me as being an all around absentee.
Well... Actually, let me preface this by saying I’ve never really liked the guy, however, after his botched suicide attempt, his decision not to have anything to do with the life of his daughter might have been a choice made from that experience, as well as the crushing malady that is depression.
This isn’t about personal conduct. This is about the gaping chestwound in the history of humanity that has been caused by all, yes even yours, maybe especially yours, religions.