
I think he’s on the New Jersey force. Which makes it worse.

I went down a rabbit hole with McCain’s “And there’s no Miranda rights for somebody who kills Americans” comment. Yes, it’s disgusting. Yes, it’s ignorant.


White guy with a gun in a hotel shooting nearly 600 people = *CRICKETS*

And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place.”

Yes there have been hundreds and hundred killed due to terrorist attacks on US soil this year it’s unthinkable! Oh wait, that’s gun violence I’m thinking of, damn, too bad we can’t do anything about that...

8 months in and the damage being inflicted from the Trump administration is going to take a very long time to undo.

We need some blurred lines because this is hardcore food porn. Just had a stomachgasm looking at that glorious meat lol.

I am going to marry that and I don’t care if society disapproves.

What about the very real medical conditions which birth control treats outside of not wanting children? These are tangible things that happen. Fuck these people.

Removing a statue that commemorates an individual is hardly erasing history you fucking shits.... its simply refusing to celebrate their odious behavior.

I tried to come up with something clever, but I failed, so...

His first title, out later this week, is the result of a partnership with Pewdiepie, the YouTuber racist motherfucker who helped turn Goat Simulator into such a big deal in the first place.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this, Ms. Judge. I’m sorry for all the sisters that endure this harassment. I jump in whenever I come across it on my TL. It is, as you alluded to, a daily, constant, situation with no end in sight.

spot on - well done!

Not to mention, the fact that that the accused has maintained his innocence from day one, and we know anyone that was labeled as a member was railroaded/accused of many things that were flat out untrue.

Straight out of the Nazi handbook.

When wishing someone success, a wise person will consider what that persons goals and desires happen to be, and what the result will be if they achieve success. The success of a person with despicable goals are not to be wished for.

People complain when Discovery isn’t true to the spirit of TOS, and now y’all’re complaining when it is. Mudd has always gotten away with shit that should have gotten him spaced.

It means that poor whites are poor because football players kneel for the anthem

CBS doesn’t lack confidence in Star Trek. Just the reverse, they are using Star Trek to try to save their butts.