
People who attend church exposed as hypocrites and bigots? What a surprise.

Police brutality is just a part of the picture. The real message behind BLM is that the legislative/justice system and law enforcement systematically punish blackness. Anything else is a distraction.

Hot White take incoming.

Oh, for sure! I just meant in the most basic parts of their personalities and not situationally - the things people seem to love Luke for they hate Rey for and I’m like... Do we even want to start on how not-good (imho) of a protagonist Anakin was? And yet REY is the one y’all call a Mary Sue? Oooooooooookay.

This show is getting so good. Pence AND Miller pulled into the obstruction-of-justice dragnet.... Trump’s scummy lawyer Cohen & that scummy Sater crook schmoozing Moscow real estate deals and Putin hookups with Drumpf.... You can hear the click-click-click of Mueller fitting the pieces neatly together.

Because I’m petty, it’s Friday, and I’m tired of deal with dumb white people, I just have to point out that elsewhere in the Kinjaverse, a bunch of people are mad because she didn’t say “some”, “few,” or “many” when talking about white people. Therefore, she is racist also and is dismissing the very important work

Thank you Ward Sutton.

If that whole dichotomy thing were true that would make the alt left fucking stalinists or maoists not just antifa(who are really just anarchists who want to fuck shit up). This is of course all because our country needs to “see both sides” and “treat both sides as equals” when that’s not how the fucking world works

Because as we all know, evil goes away if you ask it nicely...

What I don’t understand is if you’re labeling anti-fascists as bad, aren’t you in effect saying fascists aren’t so bad? I remember when being a fascist was simply synonymous with being evil.

The information on what toxic stuff was contained where used to be a matter of public record.

That’s true—perhaps it would have been better to say that our new normal is the severity level of white supremacist terrorism being upgraded from low-level to medium-level.

Do you mean, we allowed them to speak and still survived as a country? Incredible.

Actually, lots of people have that very low level of moral conviction. I find most Americans are fans of the First Amendment, even in the face of other western democracies adopting better standards.

“Yes, we’re often irrationally violent, but only in a RACIST way” might be the worst de-escalation technique ever.

Ah yes, the history of pre-World War II Germany, what with the blatantly racist head of state elected by a minority of the population and the economic anxiety and the years-long ill-advised war set off by an unrelated act of terrorism. So very, very different from early twenty first century America.

Americans didn’t kill American Nazis. They got to hold rallies in Madison Square Garden with lots and lots of cops protecting them.

Yes! Thanks for this! Chomsky visited our campus a decade or so ago, and the line was miles long, which was heartening. Chomsky was brilliant as usual.