
X-Wing series most like.

I was going to say something, but I’ll suggest a truce instead.

“Ever since they were revealed, the porgs have taken over Star Warsdiscourse like a Hutt at an all-you-can eat buffet.”

Those people had no understanding of what the purpose of that hearing was then.

Jacob’s Ladder.

“Why would the NPS seek to commemorate the activities of an extremist separatist group that advocated the use of violence against our country—a country they perceived as their enemy?” The police group asked in a stunning lack of awareness of irony.

Probably wouldn’t have had two Iraq Wars.

No citations? I mean that’s shocking, really.

Yes, wow, great point. Let’s let Cranston’s “point” of delluding ourselves into believing in a fiction that is clearly and entirely false be a good one.

A few rogue campaign staffers? No, there’s a full fire surrounding Trump’s appointee’s in regards to Russia to the point where the “rogues” are the one’s who -weren’t- dealing with Russians.

There will likely be some overlap. The laundering stuff is happening at the State Level (NY), collusion at the federal level. Once the salient stuff is identified it’s likely (and already being pursued as) each investigation will inform the other.

Regardless, Guns n’ Roses are a product of the 80's, they wrote November Rain, the editor probably chose it because it’s a rad song produced by an 80's band.

“Guns N’ Roses, often abbreviated as GNR, is an American hard rock band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 1985.” the pedia. 

Edited: I mistook kubaton for kusari gama.

Could be the fact the show has been spinning its wheels for way too long now, padding stuff out with downright -bad- character drama and overtly drawing huge implications in future episodes that never pay off.

Again, regarding the spore drive, I don’t see it being any more or less of a problem, than say Q or any number of other massive concepts introduced over the course of all the series.

I understand where you’re going, but there really isn’t an overarching -lore- that you could really call a Trek continuity. As I mentioned before (don’t remember if it was to you or not) but the situation with the Klingon’s is like the -only- major sequence of events you could point at and say that’s a continuity.

It’s a simple matter of big events define a continuity. I’m using that as an example of how Trek is not terribly concerned with continuity since -really- there weren’t any major repercussions that resulted from these massive events. Things simply continued on these shows as normal with maybe a reference to this or

I don’t subscribe to that assessment. The Prequels are so absolutely bloated with ham-fistery I have zero inclination to believe that Lucas was making a subliminal statement about the treatment of his property through video games.