
When was it a dog whistle? Trump’s only campaign tactic was stoking the fire of bigotry, that’s literally all he did. There was nothing coded whatsoever, it’s never been a dog whistle, just the horrifying realization that a significant portion of the population are gung ho bigots.

They are idiots and so are you attempting to fly the non-existent “free market” flag.

There’s a “ But her e-mails” pic if I ever saw one.

No, the problem I’m facing is morons not getting the humor in the other connection of “45" (hence my specifically pointing out the 45 degree rotation).

So white supremacists go to a rally armed with firearms but the black guy is out of hand.

You’re welcome. I’m so glad you’re also perceptive enough to recognize that my comment was far more related to the context of -45- than the swastika.

It wouldn’t shock me if that happened. He retired, this is just a fucking spectacle.

M’eh, nothing about this diva parade has felt remotely genuine it wouldn’t shock me one bit if that extended to the fight as well.

I bet this is predetermined, much like any WWE match.

It’s shit right or left.

That wasn’t my point. I was going for the “levels” of significance surrounding how easily “45" can transition to the swastika with an added bit of trivia.

That swastika was reversed, but yes, I remember reading of the controversy surrounding that. It’s an ancient symbol bastardized by the Nazi’s. I don’t know why it’s never occurred to me before to discover why the Nazi’s would have adopted that symbol.

Interestingly enough, you also have to rotate that swastika 45 degrees for it to resemble the Reich’s swastika.

If we keep relying on god to help us all we’ll be well and truly fucked.

Category 4 now.

The FUBAR quota in his head.

Why isn’t he doing horror movies?

Pop pablum pretending to be edgy.

Eh, this was a problem in both TCW and Rebels. Even non-Jedi are regularly performing super human feats that you would only generally attribute to some force ability.

Pat Sajak and Nicole Kidman also have gargantuan heads.