
She looks like 80's Dee Snider.

You could put their editorial next to the definition of craven.

Now playing

Probably shouldn’t solicit Larry David for advice.

Fucking amazing game. This is a hell of a good deal.

Fucking amazing game. This is a hell of a good deal.

Benedict Cumberbatch will just be there.

Considering this book is her origin story it’s not likely that will be explored here.

It will be garbage. It’s a Seth MacFarlane joint.

Today? Aside from Austin (and some parts of Houston I hear) that state has set the moving ass backwards to fucking ludicrous speed.


Fuck off.

Shut the fuck up with this nonsense, racist old fuck.

The have a very specific indoctrination program for Stormtroopers (presumably there are one’s that believe in the cause) that for all intents and purposes renders them machines (hence Finn’s rude awakening and having little issue killing his “friends” which were actually people barely knew because he’d been in a

Fucking gestapo.

Awww, I was really hoping to see a message about water conservation. In the Western world (excluding Flint, MI, California recently, and several South American countries) we -really- REALLY take for granted water. We should not, drinkable (pottable) water is incredibly precious and should not be taken for granted.

Something, something joke about rupee’s. If only they were called rubles

I meant this more rhetorically.

These (and others like it) are the reviews I live for.

I knew with unassailable certainty that our priorities were completely and utterly fucked when breastfeeding in public is considered an absolutely heinous activity by a certain group of people, yet open carry laws are something we should all desire.

Personally, I would have started with “Dr.” Oz. That fucker should be in prison.

I think someone was recently watching the Return of the King Extended Edition.