People want “reasons” for why things happen, not simply “stuff happens”, but the reality is sometimes “stuff just happens”..
People want “reasons” for why things happen, not simply “stuff happens”, but the reality is sometimes “stuff just happens”..
Honestly, despite all the points about how it’s completely different, it mostly made me miss SSX. Albeit the last really good one was 3.
There is an argument to be made that an active draft would discourage imperialist actions by the Executive Branch.
I disagree. If anyone is subject to the draft, then everyone should be. And also I think that the families of Congress and the president's cabinet members should automatically be drafted first. Maybe if it's *their* children killing and dying they will be less inclined to start shit.
They’re just getting mad that she’s pointing out something that exists. They’d get mad if she said the sun was in the sky.
Trump shat on the military and veterans constantly for more than 4 years. Not one squeak out of these people. A greeting I’ve heard more than a dozen times every time this weekend rolls around (all from right wing white people) suddenly sets them off.
I don’t think most white people who read here enough to catch the article are going to have it effect there level of support one way or another.
I’d have said this viewpoint is optimistic at the beginning of 2017. Here in October 2020 it sounds naïve at best. I think we’ve all seen enough to know that unless you’re in the regime, or one of the old rich white dudes in bed with it, the only thing you’re getting from the trump regime is fucked over.
I think that might have been a valid argument generously two weeks into the presidency when people weren’t yet quite sure if Trump was all talk or if he was going to attempt to execute all things awful. It didn’t take long to see that Trump doesn’t listen, doesn’t want to learn, doesn’t have a plan, and doesn’t care…
He kind of has a point about the bipartisan thing, but also republicans have repeatedly proven themselves to be racist shit bags who can't even hide it anymore. Also, "platinum plan" sounds like a payday loan credit card grift being run out of an old liquor store.
This is why you don’t try to cuss people out in a language in which you are not fluent. You sound like a semi-literate child to native speakers.
If everyone cheats in chess, it ceases to be a game between two human players and becomes a game between two chess computers. Those are still interesting, but there’s no reason for the humans to be the ones playing the moves in that case. Computer vs. computer matches already happen.
Well given that the two options at the moment for the Democrats are only a) controlling the courts when in power by packing them or b) 0% of the time as it has been for a very long time now with no end in sight, I still fail to see the problem with the court packing option.
Should snap one up while they’re available! If Trump doesn’t in fact ‘beat COVID’, that’s bound to be a valuable commerorative, like the “Dewey Beats Truman’ newspapers.
After letting an infected Trump into the same room as Biden without insisting he take a COVID test, the Commission on Presidential Debates should be permanently dissolved. If the candidates want to do a debate, the campaigns should set up a zoom meeting like the rest of us.
Court packing and reducing was an American tradition. And, the benefits outweigh the risks so I say no risk no reward. This is life and death for millions and is no time to keep our powder dry and hope for sane republicans down the road. We tried that with Reagan and both Bushes. It only gets worse.
Read a different meme today that basically amounted to this:
Why is your instinct still to “both sides” this? Your preferred guy lost two primaries despite promising revolutions that never came, mostly because his supporters never showed up in the numbers needed. The progressive faction simply does not have the numbers. Go do the ground of increasing your numbers, increasing…