
To be fair, those gnomes could at least get organized and work well together.

Now I have Kristen Schal’s delightful voice and the image of the magically animated head shooting hearts out of his eyes. 

  • Guess what Donald Trump thinks is “fake news” today! [NBC News]

“...Trump has not interviewed anyone else for the job.”

Insurance fraud to own the libs.

There’s also a huge element of luck involved in how grindy the early game is. Get lucky and find a large capacity but otherwise weak ship early on, and the game is MUCH easier. Doubly so if you get lucky and get a capital ship for free from a random encounter. But earning the credits/materials to get those things

There are no good Republicans.

There is no amount of self effacing memoirs, Dancing With the Stars appearances or endearing hobbies that will let me forgive Boehner, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, George W. Bush or any of the other despicable Republican faces of recent history.


Congress is not in a standoff and Republicans and Democrats are not playing a game of chicken. This both sides-ism needs to stop. Republicans are holding the lives of desperate and in need Americans hostage because they don’t fucking care who suffers and who dies as a result of their inaction, especially if it will

It would be really nice if outlets did not try to “both sides” this one. Republicans deliberately tabled this bill in bad faith knowing Dems could never accept it. Mitch McConnell admitted this himself. Dems wanted 1.3 trillion, GOP countered with 300 billion. That is not a compromise, that is an insult. Also the bill

I, myself, do not mind the timing of two months before the election. Were it five months ago, it would be completely forgotten by now.

I first heard of her from Life is Strange. She does the voice for Chloe Price and several minor characters. She’s been in quite a lot of major games. I didn’t know she voiced Chun-Li in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. 

I assume any “vaccine” they come up with will be 33% bleach, 33% hydroxywhatsits, and 33% actual COVID virus and will line the pockets of a Trump company.

According to Facebook scientist, Bill Gates developed a vaccine before he ever started spreading Covid-19 via 5G. He will make millions injecting people with his vaccine that contains Satan’s tracking chip.

I hate that I fell for this clickbait title.

I hate that I fell for this clickbait title.