
Some people on the Internet are going to complain that we are focusing on the wrong thing. They are stupid. It’s okay to laugh at an idiot. Even while the world burns, especially while the world burns. Life is short. Take comfort where you can find it.

If all of this comes to pass on Twitter, we can mark last month as the day it died. Where once it was king, it will be no longer. If it becomes even more of a toxic cesspool than it already is (“like 4chan, but with shorter messages” is not a great sales pitch for anything) then something will come along to kill it.

This is what happens when Democrats don’t have a message or a serious agenda to rally behind. They sat on their hands for decades and could never explain to people that Republicans are using the government to take your rights and freedoms away.

Fuck anyone who said “Hillary and Trump are the same” in 2016. Fucking nightmare.

Ours is the same.  Whenever we try to order online and pick up or get it delivered, something is either missing or wrong.  It’s not worth it.

If you’re counting Starbucks, their app is pretty good. It’s easy to customize a drink and their points are easy to use. It’s also nice they tell you if something isn’t out of stock. 

It popped up on the coming soon tab of Game Pass so I watched the trailer and it looked like a cool little game. Like you I assumed it was going to be an interesting little murder mystery thing. Would not have guessed in a million years what that twist would end up being...which I guess was the point? But it sounds

God shut up 

This review is proof that spoilers are actually good.

Wow, am I ever glad I read this.  

They’re going to need another run of guest hosts. I’m being completely serious here—I nominate Marc Summers. He has game show experience, trivia experience and, like LeVar Burton, he’s someone trusted by younger and older viewers alike. Remember, after that original run on the Double Dare shows, he went off to Food

Imagine being such a shitty person you get fired from a job you hired yourself for.

And it’s still right to mock the ludicrous comparison between enjoying a game as one wishes, and sleeping through school.

I feel that the “Git Gud” crowd is typically made up of capitol ‘G’ Gamers.

Look. Some of us are old now. Those 12+ hour marathons are 20 years in the past. I try that now and all I’m going to accomplish is a blood clot. And folks can snicker, but their day will come. Eventually you won’t give a shit about learning the timing of phase 3 of whatever boss fight you’re stuck at.  You’re going to

The article is about consoles, the implication being that they’re not available on the PS4 and Xbox One; anyone checking this list out probably isn’t worried about PC availability, since that’s typically included under the current-gen (Xbox Series X/S) umbrella.

St Judes is a wonderful organization and I volunteer to help them run an auction annually. We’ve raised millions of dollars for St Judes and I couldn’t be prouder. St Judes is amazing because they don’t charge families for treatment and they put up the parents in dorms attached to hospital so they can be close to

The problem is supporting Trump and the Republicans largely undoes whatever good he may have done. You can’t just cancel out the harm with a few charitable donations. American healthcare wouldn’t even need so much charity if the Republicans and their supporters didn’t cockblock a socialised healthcare system every

Republicans are usually both.