
If I could still get hand sanitizer, I would take a bath in it at the thought. As it stands, the best I can do now is splash some cheap vodka on the outside of me in the process of trying to get it in my mouth.

Counterpoint - there may be a lot of asymptomatic carriers walking into those crowded Easter services. It’ll be a great momentary PR bump, and a big “oooooh, shit” realization when a ton of elderly churchgoers are in the hospital a couple weeks later.

That’s optimistic. But until the pandemic takes hold across the middle America, he still has an electoral college advantage. I seriously doubt people in small towns across the Deep South and Midwest really care all that much about hospitals in NYC or Seattle being overwhelmed with COVID19 cases.

True, if there’s any commonality in the churn of his cabinet, it’s that people are let go for disagreeing with the Trumpster - not for completely screwing things up.

I mean, in an environment where loyalty is valued vastly more than competence, what else do you expect?  

It’s like going to a helps for a week or two, and then you have to go back. Vicious cycle. 

XBL Ultimate and a gigabit internet connection have made GameStop completely non-essential for me.

It’s not even just retail. I work for a large financial services company, and the organization is completely paralyzed with indecision and conflicting messages. My department (like many others in the company) has the capacity work completely remotely with little/no impact to productivity. But management insists that

This. Tell me Warren’s your VP and I’ll vote for you in the primary. As it stands, I’m just having a hard time caring which partially senile old white guy we pick to throw at their partially senile old white guy in November (the one that probably won’t do shit but that middle-aged working class voters in purple

Though, I wonder how much of it is just rationalization of his faults and missteps as a necessary evil for getting their agenda railroaded through and having the judiciary stacked with conservative judges for a generation.  

I feel you. But here’s the problem - Bernie has yet to find the magical formula to get the under-45 crowd to turn out en masse. We can’t assume he’ll get that sorted out in the next 7.5 months. So, that means we *need* the elder vote to oust Trump.  And old people like Biden.  

This was probably not the most politically astute way for Uncle Joe to approach the situation. But in fairness...the union guy actually was being a horse’s ass.

Yeah...I’m getting the sense that “normal” is a lot easier to sell than “better” to your average 50-something or older purple state voter.

Sadly, debating and speaking in front of crowds are not insignificant components of the job.

His belief in science is directly proportional to its immediate impact on him, personally.

You’re not factually wrong about the youth vote needing to actually show up, but you did kind of veer off the original topic of the post. The author’s main thesis is that antisemitism at a Bernie rally wasn’t sufficiently covered by most news outlets, and was covered in bad faith by one in particular.

Wasn’t this a thing for PS3s back in their “also a Linux computer!” phase?

It’s a fair point, I guess. It’s easy to to lose perspective in the echo chambers we build for ourselves. If the people we interact with have similar views and the media we consume supports those views, it’s easy to forget that there are a lot of people outside that echo chamber who aren’t necessarily the enemy...but

Im sad to say that the best chance this country probably has to see a woman become president is if Ivanka runs in 2024.

I doubt Biden would pick her. She’d constantly make him look bad. The best we could hope for is Harris or Klobuchar for a female Biden VP.