
I’m as disappointed as a lot of the people here. To me, Warren was the best candidate running, and our last chance to keep from fielding either a largely senile creepy uncle or an early-1970s liberal activist trapped in an elderly man’s (potentially failing) body against the Republican machine this fall. But I get

I’m guessing it’ll involve Joe calling out Bernie on his honeymoon to Moscow, lots of abuse of the word “socialism” and Bernie pointing out Joe’s history of being segregationist-adjacent and lacking in meaningful new ideas.

Yeah, I’m torn. I want Warren to win. I feel like she’s genuinely the best candidate available at this point. But the realist in me sees that, short of something miraculous happening in the next couple weeks...she doesn’t stand a chance.

Eh...there have certainly been plenty of out of touch white guys that have run for President, but with the exception of Reagan (especially in his 2nd term), the dementia aspect of it hasn’t been a real issue. I mean, W was a simpering idiot, but even he could speak in complete sentences and seemed reasonably certain

Oh, God...this year’s presidential election is going to be a months-long argument between two out-of-touch old white men with checkered pasts and dementia, isn’t it?

Having to eat a bucket of cold instant oatmeal still beats the hell out of being force-fed broken glass and toxic waste. Just sayin’.

Yeah, but some of us are still gonna paying on those damn things until our own kids are in college.  Which is only a few years away.

“He was hard to miss, wearing a hardhat and a neon green safety vest and sunglasses, even though we were indoors.”

The key in that statement is the use of the word “could.” Could he theoretically pay off the court fees and restitutions owed by most/all of the reinstated felons in FL and still have more money than all of the residents of my entire town will make in their lifetimes combined? Sure, he *could*.

I would have been more worried if she had run with it and gave us a bunch of details about who her dog favors as her running mate. I’m all for candidates being fun and quirky, but that could have been kind of messy.

Yeah, who’sundecided” after these past three years is either an outright idiot that can’t be reasoned with, or is simply a closet Trump supporter who doesn’t want to admit it in polite company. There’s no point in wasting time and energy on those people.

My gaming resolution - to save up an extra $500 by the end of 2020 to get an Xbox Series X to future-proof my gaming for the next five or six years.

There should be a special gray-status exemption for Splinter refugees.  

I just want to see John Goodman (at Flintstones/Roseanne era weight, not at his current “are you ok, John?” stature) play him in the inevitable Trump biopic.

So, they’re willing to implement an embarrassingly bad interpretation of paid parental leave for federal employees in exchange for funding a new branch of the military that’s almost completely redundant to stuff the Air Force already does?

If this was VR playable with Google cardboard and a recent generation phone, I’d be moderately interested. Since it sounds like this is going to require a substantial additional investment in PC hardware and VR goggles (that I would really only need for Half-Life Alyx)...I’m out.

I see that management making an example out of Splinter is paying off.

If there was ever a “good” venue for an outbreak of Legionnaire’s Disease...this would be it.

I used to think Pete was ok-ish at the beginning of this process. Not my top choice, but less offensive than most of the other white dudes with weak name recognition in the race. But he keeps shooting himself in the foot every time he opens his mouth. He needs to just pack it up and go back to South Bend at this

$25 for a decent men’s cut is pretty much the baseline. You can get one for about about $15 at Supercuts or Great Clips if you’re short on cash...but you’re really rolling the dice. At that price point, you might as well save the $15 (and the stress of looking like a preschooler cut your hair with safety scissors) and