
The stakes may or may not be high for any one of the candidates at this point, depending on who says something either brilliant or catastrophic. But as far as my level of personal investment? I’d hope Warren keeps building momentum, or that Castro has a breakthrough “wow, this guy really could be president” moment.

I suppose it beats their initial plan of introducing mountain lions and anacondas into the sewer system.

Eh, it was a “Have you beat your wife lately?” question designed to make her look either careless about the environment or heavy-handed about the role of government in shaping consumer choices.  I’m totally cool with her reframing it to a more meaningful discussion.

God, this series sounds awful.  Haven’t boomers screwed up the world enough without going on outright killing sprees?

Pissing off the cons is always worth it.

You almost had me until my brain short-circuited on how to connect the BSG reference to the preceding media commentary...

Welcome to Gilded Age 2.0.  

What could possibly be more destructive and dangerous than a mass of thunderstorms several hundred miles wide, generating 100 mph winds and dumping torrential amounts of rain?

She crushed him because she was the grown-up on stage and wasn’t certifiably insane. That’s a pretty low bar to clear.

Hey, if Joe Walsh and Bill Weld can peel off some of the “I’m just here for the tax cuts and not the racism” Republicans and make Trump more likely to lose (especially if one of them goes rogue and ends up running third party in the general election), I’m all for it. Hell, I might even throw a few bucks at their

Seriously. All they had to do was A) not run a candidate with 25 years’ worth of baggage and negative publicity and B) articulate a platform with at least a little more substance than “Of course you’re going to vote for me. What’s your alternative, that guy?

The only way this has any chance of being even remotely effective is if throws the 4th & 6th amendments in the shredder and goes full Minority Report.

If we’ve reached the point where relative competence is measured solely by not being responsible for any major scandals or catastrophes...then, sadly, you are correct.

If nothing else, Marianne Williamson would turn the batshit crazy factor of that election up to 11.  It might not be productive or healthy, but it’d be surreal as hell.

Is it just me, or does Erick Erickson bear a striking resemblance to Eric Stonestreet (Tucker from Modern Family)?

I would have a hard time trusting Larry Kudlow to water my indoor plants and take care of my cat while I was on vacation. Stopping a recession is *way* above his pay grade.

That’s...awkward. I thought most of the world stopped with the whole “overtly colonial” thing after the end of WWII.

Most mentally ill people usually just hurt themselves, not others. Once in a while, one may strip down naked and attack passerby’s with an old toaster because the Devil told them to via their neighbor’s cat.

I mean, a brewing recession might lead a few milquetoast “I’m in it for the tax cuts, not the racism” types to sit out the election. But most Trumpsters have bought into the cause because of the racism and the batshit crazy, so he shouldn’t have too much trouble convincing them that the recession is due to brown people

That’s borderline Prosperity Gospel, “You’re poor because you don’t love Jesus enough,” bullshit.