
Gee, the plausibility of the conspiracy theories wouldn’t have anything to do with the broad range of rich, powerful people who wanted Epstein dead before he could talk (including the guy ultimately in charge of the federal criminal justice system), would it?

So...stupid shit like this is the IRL equivalent of spammy random monster encounters when you’ve got like 25% of your hit points left and are completely out of mana?

How does someone on suicide watch hang himself in a jail cell? The guy should have been sitting around in a bare cell in a paper gown with people watching him.

For a sore back, they’re moderately effective- if still ridiculously overpriced. But for anything beyond spinal issues that can be resolved with a little twisting or pressure? Pure quacking quackery.

For a truly healthy vegetarian fast food option, I’d still prefer a Flame Broiler tofu bowl (with a generous amount of hot sauce and magic sauce).

If they’re a business owner or offer a professional service - actively avoid doing business with them.

We are all stupider for having read that response. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. 

There’s a problem with that historical analogy, though. The post-WWII US economic boom was due almost entirely to the fact that we were the only major economic power in the world whose infrastructure wasn’t reduced to shambles and whose civilian populations weren’t decimated by the war. Most of the smaller economies

It used to remind me of home. It still does, but sadly now in more ways than one (most of PA outside Philly and Pittsburgh is really just WV with better diner food and the occasional Amish settlement)..

Yeah, Yeungling has some water out of the Schuylkill River (albeit with less coal waste and mine run-off than 20 years ago).

It’s...almost like someone didn’t learn anything from Smoot-Hawley setting the dominoes of the Great Depression into motion.

Realistically, our best chance of taking some of the edge off gun violence in the US at this point has to do with public perception, not legislation. Treat it like smoking. Publish meaningful, well-designed research about the impact of guns in society. Roll out well-crafted PR and advertising campaigns on the issue,

And dope-smokin’ hippies and jazz music.

Roaches are the worst. They’re disgusting, they’re hard to kill in an immediate sense and even harder to eradicate from your home. The only thing I’ve found that works reliably without copious amounts of noxious pesticide is regular application of roach gel.

It’s like...watching two really bad minor league baseball teams play.  

C’mon...that was way too obscure and specific to “accidentally” copy from Google Images.

There’s a major flaw in that plan: student loans haven’t been dischargeable in bankruptcy since 1976.

Yes and no.

Plus, the demand for games is extremely elastic due to the fact that they’re entertainment and not critical to live. Housing and food prices keep going up because there’s only so much you can skimp before your only viable alternatives are living under an overpass and rummaging through dumpsters for dinner.

Yes, world is all kinds of broken on so many levels, and things are likely to get worse before they get better. The business of video games is just one tiny slice of the mess