
This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

Was he arrested? If so I hope he won’t serve any time because he is all parents.

Why is this a thing? It’s just another way to add to the countless narcissistic events tied to having a baby.

I applaud these women for trying to do something to combat the insane blowback to women in sports journalism. I feel awful for the dudes who have to read these, since it almost makes them look like the losers who actually typed those things.

Any young person who commits or attempts suicide breaks my heart. I totally understand it, but it breaks my heart. I was suicidal at 21 myself, and several times I came very close to attempting. But instead I went into therapy. It helped me save my life.

The constitutional right of the accused to confront the accuser. It’s something that does more good than harm, but it leaves victims of sexual abuse and stalking in horrible positions that often results in them refusing to testify. I’m not sure of the solution though. Ideas? Also while keeping in mind to change this

I didn’t mind the way she handled the karate thing. And I thought it was awesome how receptive the karate teacher was to the criticism!

Good. Fucking hotel/Marriot -and those asshole lawyers who were watching her video at dinner last week (fuck!) should all be fired. And those ESPN fucks who made her interview. And fucking Michelle Beadle should apologize for being a fucking asswhole toward Erin throughout this nightmare.

Can Jezebel please hunt down Chad for an exclusive interview?

Is it really necessary to include exactly HOW they died by suicide? The vacuum cord thing is very graphic and triggering - especially for people like me who have lost close loved ones to suicide.

Side PSA: if someone you know is drinking and talking about ending their life with Tylenol, it is not a joke and needs to be taken incredibly seriously. As few as six Tylenol combined with alcohol is as dangerous a suicide method as walking into highway traffic. It is highly lethal and exceptionally dangerous.

only thing worse is socks only

My thoughts exactly! Finally a place I can go and hang out with other anxious people. We can have anxiety attacks, compare meds and wonder if every person is judging you thinking your anxiety isn’t as severe as theirs SO WHY DO YOU EVEN BOTHER.

...he’s only reading at a second grade level.”

Nope. I’m a wine asshole, and St Germain and bubbly is super legit, especially if you prefer something with a little sweetness.

It turns out, she liked her wine sweeter and wanted to pour grenadine or St Germain into her wine. Into. Her. Wine.

Ah yes, “shrill”. Right up there with “bossy” and “aggressive”. Thank goodness he keeps reminding us how much he cherishes us or I might have taken this the wrong way.

In a decade here, I’ve never heard it used non-facetiously.

No one says wicked pissah. That’s not actually a thing. We don’t eat baked beans either.

I suspect that when I am pregnant, I will spend quite a bit of time scolding strangers who suddenly treat my body like it is public property. And yet, it seems necessary. If everyone just smiles and bears it, like this article suggests we should, folks won't get the feedback needed to realize that they should keep