
He was great in Next to Normal. I hope he’s as good here!

Let’s see- scarf that you can wrap around your nose/face when its windy and freezing. A solid hood is essential for a down coat (that’s LONG), pro tip: wear hat under hood. I also live in my sorrels in winter, They’re a game changer. Ugly? Yes, but super durable and warm? Absolutely. Hunter boots with fleece don’t cut

Wait I’m confused- why is it so weird to put st. germaine in your cava? Many bars offer that as a cocktail, it’s like an updated Kir Royale. I’m confused how that is appalling....

Even now when it’s almost 90 outside during the day, the office AC is so on blast, all the women in my office have their space heaters running. What a waste of energy. But even bringing a jacket and blanket doesn’t work. So frustrating.

This came up recently at an office conference. We knew it was always freezing and brought sweaters, jackets, AND blankets (in July). At one point a worker at the conference heard us saying how freezing it is. She asked “well, is it just the women who are cold or is everyone cold? because if so I can turn up the

At the risk of sounding lame, I love how age appropriate this is. She is dancing like a perfect 3 year old, being silly and having fun. I hate those videos of little girls dancing and its already so sexualized. I love how just innocent and sweet this is.

** It looks like she may have been arraigned. I would be shocked if the charges weren’t dismissed. Also- we only have one side of this story. And everyone is up in arms about “Why don’t we have better daycare!!!” but this is a great way for the family to get daycare, albeit not ideal. I have had to get families

I think sometimes we jump to conclusions without thinking them completely through here. Think about it- you see a 2 year old and a 6 year old with no parent in sight. I can only imagine the 2 year was wandering around- a 2 year old wouldn’t be able to sit quietly in a chair that whole time. So someone alerts security

Can we discuss how J.Crew now sells XXXS? Which just seems absurd.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, the for love of all things holy, un-grey me.

Sometimes I feel like if you’re white and god forbid attractive, people seem to think you have no right to speak of anything other than your innate privilege and anything else you say doesn’t matter... because Privilege!! Her comment was fine, and her heart is in the right place. Do we really need to ridicule

“Nobody is entitled to a “perfect wedding,” This a million times. At what point do people become so brainwashed they really believe they are entitled to it and noone or no thing can come between them Their Big Day? It drives me nuts. This is just sickening to read about how, even with this horrific tragedy, it’s Still

Yes! The green light thing. I live in Boston too and drive a stick shift. By the time I put my car in first gear- it's not uncommon to get honked at. Blows my mind. And really pisses me off. I make sure to really take my time after that :)

Am I ever going to get out of the grey? :(

Where are you all finding these places?! I’m on the hunt for a studio down there and can’t find anything under 2K except the place that has a stove/refridgerator/sink in one...... Is a full size fridge too much to ask?!

Kind of similar, recently it was discovered a camera was hidden in a bathroom at a deli. The deli didn’t report it to police, but just fired the guy. Now, police are investigating, but seems like *that* is illegal, so why wouldn’t a 2 way mirror also be illegal?

I bought a West Elm couch for about $250. Same situation, glitch on the website for like 1 minute and I managed to quickly purchase the couch. They sent me the confirmation and charged my card. And then cancelled it. Needless to say, I was SO disappointed, I had called everyone to tell them about my good work. When I

We were going to a BBQ at his friends and he asked me to text his friend from his phone asking what to bring, as he jumped in to the shower. When I opened his texts the most recent conversation was with his ex saying " love you babe." So I opened up the conversation and it was clear he had been cheating for a while.

What is this from?!?! Why have I never seen two together?!

Ditto this. It's a great restaurant (difficult to get reservations though) but the staff have always been super nice. And patient. Now I just have more reason to go back