If you're referring to me and not the troll, seek ophthalmic care immediately.
If you're referring to me and not the troll, seek ophthalmic care immediately.
Well, see: the plan waaaaas.....I’d write a check for a million and get that cush European Ambassadorship, right? Beaucoup parties! I mean, I’m a fun guy? Everyone knows that! Then they throw Ukraine at me. I was like, OK? WTF, but, OK, right? Don’t they have an ambassador? And then I saw her and I was like, OK yikes,…
Sick Semper Tyrannis
Charlemagne gave Tomato Lasagna a platform and defended her as his “friend”. He can sit all the way down. Also, hit dogs tend to holler lol.
Don’t start none...
Well they say a hit dog hollers and I hear enough to open a pound. Charlamagne will never live down having Tomi Flatass on his airwaves. Stanfield needs to climb down off the pretentiousness horse also.
Charlamange slow dances to Old Town Road.
He’s not wrong.
She didn’t join the committee to prevent anyone from being exposed to it, she joined the committee because she didn’t think that Dessen’s work, which was apparently under consideration, was up to the standards of what the program was supposed to be. How is that an issue that she had a particularly strong opinion about…
So, because I don’t have the time, opportunity or inclination to help the world by coordinating panel discussions about how smarmy, self-righteous swamptwats feel entitled enough to sic gun-wielding, justice-resistant nigger-murders on napping black women, I do my part by fucking with hefty bags of white privilege…
Dear Mr. Harriot,
“Punishment abolitionist”
That’s the face of a man whose tried to “pray the gay away” on more than one occassion, I’ll tell you what.
I boiled that prayer down kid-sized for bedtime memorization:
Imma file a supporting brief on this. Our house is a small IKEA outlet, though we may be covered under the concurring opinion that points out that lesbian households are required to have a percentage of IKEA furnishings of greater than or equal to 10% so that one partner can demonstrate her skill with an allen wrench.
Look, I am 100% for people (re)discovering their faith. But when I listened to this album it really confirmed for me what I’ve suspected for a while now regarding Ye’s own “born again” path. It’s the path that people at their lowest find, and it fills them with so much euphoria that they just go headfirst in, not even…
She got a navigator through the industry, and he got his dick wet. Can’t we just throw both of them in the garbage and call it a day?