
Hey! Glad to see the cop-apologist here.

I wrote this in another post on Splinter but it needs to be read here.

After college I bought a yellow Toyota Celica and got the license plate NEWJACK.  As a white suburban kid I now think this was probably inappropriate.

Cool to arrest a kid so young she should’ve been in a booster seat on her ride to JAIL. Why the fuck is a cop who has been reprimanded for excessive force allowed to work with children????

That man will never be able to enter a black barbershop again.

We’re gonna have to settle for Ilhan Omar, and that ain’t a bad thing.

Cummings isn’t the mayor of Baltimore. He works for the federal government in the House of Representatives. He isn’t responsible for the corruption in Baltimore, nor can he do anything directly for the city of Baltimore specifically. What he can do is propose legislation that will help cities like Baltimore all across

“Oh, shit, Omar comin’.”

Where the fuck is Omar when we really need him?  That’s what I want to know.  Somebody needs to get got.

I can see the age discrimination being a possibility, as a lot of tenure track professors do come in with a higher salary (with worse benefits and pension packages), but race? Nah. The most recent publication I can readily find for him is from over ten years ago. Outside of that, he has a textbook that he updated in

Ashy Boy Summer has a new mascot.

I don’t get it. Hillary Clinton was dragged to holy hell because her husband signed the bill. And Joe was out there literally drafting the bill, and everyone is just kind of shrugging at the moment, ‘cause Trump.

Yep - on top of that, he knows full well that his racist BS costs him minimal political capital, because conservatives are trash. He might be a total piece of shit - but he understands currency, even political currency.

I spent the weekend on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, a weekend wherein the Bigot- In-Chief revved up his re-election campaign by unleashing a racist rant upon four sitting Congresswomen of color. As I left the Cape, I approached the Bourne Bridge where I saw a group of people gathered at the foot of the bridge

becky execution level: expert

Warren as Pres to do the wonky stuff, Kamala as the enforcer. That woman is FIERCE! I love watching her rip apart failing-up white men.

It's always entertaining to see white people who have never gotten that smoke from a black woman experience it for the first time. Biden was not ready and Bernie sure as hell didn't want to catch any of it either. He can talk over Kristen Gillibrand all he wants but he was going to catch those debate hands if he did

You are 100% correct, good sir!