
The epitome of “play bitch games, win bitch prizes.”

This was fabulous, Danielle - I have had the same exact roller coaster of emotions and food prep! I blundered my way into a pantry desperation Cajun pasta that is playing on repeat in the house right now. Carbs are the only thing getting me through. 

I’m honestly not mad at that approach.

I love this. This is good. 

Oh hell yes! I saw the stage version of “One Night in Miami” in Baltimore a couple of years ago and bought tickets for friends to go, too, it was so good. As I recall, it was only a four-person play, so I’m guessing the movie adaptation will keep it small. Dream cast list: Mahershala Ali for Malcolm X, Winston Duke as

I’m 35 and from Alabama and “show their ass” was very much a part of my raising! Definitely Southern, maybe?

Haaaaaa hope and oxygen!

Agreeeeeeed on all counts. I could watch him watch paint dry.

Well said!


Did anyone read The Atlantic’s longform piece on him this month? Really well done stuff.

Came here to say, “I just wanna know which Marshawn is on.” Realized as I was typing that I know which side Marshawn is on.

Not to be a jerk, but I used to live literally across the street and am obsessive about Mexican food...and I was never inspired. If you’re hitting up Hampden and want some Mexic-ish food, Golden West is wayyyy better, imho.

Are you me? Same, down to the timeline. Fight the good fight, and congrats on getting better! It’s a journey.

ahhhh fuck yes Miss Shirley’s! It’s one of the things I miss most about living in Baltimore. And you went to the right location, too. If you’re hanging out later and want the best crab cake in town, it’s at Koco’s on Harford Road, like less than half a mile from Morgan State.

You’re totally right! I grew up in the south with the buttermilk-cocoa-vinegar recipe and used to get stoked when I’d see red velvet cake outside of Alabama. Then I realized it was all a lie and now I never buy it. Of course, my family and neighbors still threw in some food coloring with the buttermilk recipe, so it

Yeah, but Alabama dressing is basically a cornbread casserole, more or less - it’s not madr with the same ingredients as “stuffing” that is cooked in the bird. That’s the distinction.

Everybody in the “dressing vs. stuffing” beef is failing to mention that in the south, dressing is made with dry cornbread, some celery, onions and herbs, and baked in broth to make it moist. It’s like a casserole, and the cornbread is the key. You can’t stuff cornbread crumbles in a turkey carcass. So, to me, def not

Me too! I just dial up an Albertina Walker playlist on the phone and clean the house down!