

It’s that 5% Catholic Guilt they put in it for moisturizing.

Me, after clicking on the link and seeing that photo...

Bitch please. That is all.

Jesus Christ, what year is it to people in Kansas?

I work for a company that manufactures salsa. We very purposefully use a jar that is too small at the opening to fit a chip in so that you are forced to pour the jar out into a bowl thereby using more salsa and causing you to gorge yourself where you otherwise might have stopped. America!

That gif already screams “white people” with no text whatsoever

Not even really “close proximity,” unless I’ve been doing meals all wrong to this point.

I go at her the same way that I would go at Peter Alexander or Jonathan Karl or Glenn Thrush from the New York Times.

Hell yeah! Kima Greggs, GET MORE ROLES. Sonja Sohn was incredible in The Wire. More roles for her!!!

lol who tryn to make this a problem tho?

Love it. LOVE it.

Dude’s a national treasure.

“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

When my son was about 9, he pulled that indentured servant crap on me. Then I took away all of his stuff.

Anyone who is appalled by the tone of this email is adorably inexperienced when it comes to receiving emails from the executive leadership down to middle management and below. The genre is always self-congratulatory and filled with ‘team wins’ that mean nothing to the recipients, but the execs feel like ‘sharing the