
“Just fuck me up, fam.”

Right?! I hadn’t been catcalled or bothered in so long that when I made the apparent mistake of wearing a form-fitting dress and heels and some man standing by the subway said some gross and shocking thing, I couldn’t react. I just stared at him with my mouth open like, whaaaat. I had gotten out of practice. This was

I am so glad to be an Old now. All our lives, we’re told that we’ll become invisible at 40, only to find out that being invisible is THE BEST.

Honestly, did you also have an impossible time telling these two Chads apart? Jesus WEPT.

Brooks’s win was somewhat controversial, but not because of his sexuality. Texas A&M’s student newspaper, The Battalion, reports that his opponent Robert McIntosh actually won the election by 750 votes, but was disqualified following rumors of intimidation tactics and a failure to disclose financial information for a

I had no idea someone could struggle that badly to act natural while giving a thumbs up. It’s like that is the most strenuous activity his hand has ever performed and he’s grimacing in pain.

I want to bring John Cho home.

I quite literally read this headline and started chanting “more john cho! more john cho!” and my husband (who was washing dishes) goes “more john cho? i guess he has a new role?” And I say “yes” an he goes “ok: more john cho! more john cho!”

Serious lady boner for dickish John Cho.

More John Cho! Shut up and take my money!!!!


Truffle fries are a thing that needs to die.

How Not to Hate Your Husband is a book for messy reality, but I can’t shake my frustration that its twin, written for men, isn’t out there somewhere: How to Keep Your Wife From Hating You After Kids.

How Not to Add an Additional “Child” to Mother After You Become a Mother By Requiring Your Husband to Act Like a Grown-Ass Man a South Dakotan, I am now RuPaul adjacent? My god.

HELL YES. I’ve talked to many experienced scuba divers who are like “Sharks are no big deal. Their threat to us has been greatly overhyped.” Also, as you point out, we are fucking them up.

The country is in trouble with a litany of problems and you worried about a Snoop Dogg video. SMDH.

I own cats that are less prickly and sensitive than our president. For all that he was not good at the job, can anyone imagine GW Bush pushing back against Immortal Technique in this fashion? Trump’s ability to continually lower the bar of professionalism, decency, and even basic humanity has me reeling. It’s like

Jesus, Christ. Honestly? It might be time to just stop covering this fuckhole’s tweets. I don’t say that because I think they distract us from the real issues, I don’t say that because his tweets never, ever, ever say anything of any value whatsoever (although those are both true).