
That is a very good question that would make an honest woman feel shame. But not Kellyanne, the plucky, gaslighting fascist traitor to her gender. She turns around and shames a teenager for asking it.

Latrice Royale makes everything better.

They already done blazed past that border faster than a French soldier with track shoes and a coupon for cigarettes, to quote the incomparable Bucky Katt.

Wait, Russell Wilson’s Instagram handle is “dangerruss”?

...... Cici and Russ are dangerously close to Doin the Most and Real Extra territory.

Always make sure you have a reply under your comment before you dismiss someone from Trump’s America™, otherwise you get bumped to the bottom of the thread.

Intentional obtuseness and crass lack of empathy is a hallmark of an intellectually and developmentally stunted mind or a conservative. 

LBJ to a staffer: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

I’ve seen a lot of online posts saying that we need to work to understand the “Trump voter.” That liberal elitism prevented us from seeing/reaching the scared middle-American who saw their way of life slipping away. But, seriously, fuck that nonsense. I grew up in a small Alaskan town and I got out. I’ve gone back

“Maybe because the always hated boomers know a little more than all you precious little Gen X and millennial snowflakes.”

Their Che T-shirt salesperson?

They’re so smart they thought trump would make a better president than clinton! Get the fuck outta here

And their entitled, still-racist kids are helping to wreck the place.

It’s long been a theory that fascism (or one of its authoritarian siblings) rises every 3 generations, when those with direct contact with the horror die out, and there’s no-one to recognise the warning signs.

This doesn’t seem to be specific to millennials at all. It’s boomers who didn’t fucking die off fast enough who are wrecking the damn place.

His complete political ignorance is why people voted for him. He is the result, not the cause, of anti-intellectualism.

I stopped giving a flying flip about his tweets a couple of weeks ago. He is just a toddler pounding away on the keyboard. HOWEVER, you better believe I am watching his actions. His tweets can do jack to me. His choices in nominations can. His allowing his kids to sit in on what should be private meetings can. His

It’s clear that mr. Khan’s suggestion didn’t work and Donny boy has never even come close to reading the Constitution. Someone should tweet it out to him slowly and gently because Twitter seems to match his attention span.