Are you surprised Jalopnik is actually reporting on a hugely anticipated new car reveal?
What does any of this have to do with the Corvette?
Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.
Real Madrid is worth $4.2 billion and had $893 million in revenue last year. Manchester United is worth $3.8 billion and had $795 million in revenue last year. These are two of the three most exorbitantly wealthy cash-printing economic juggernauts in the history of any sport ever. Don’t blame economics for their…
On a classic Jeep Cherokee with the bulletproof 4.0 inline six, miles almost don’t matter. It’s a bit like the bean dip I’ve had in the back of my fridge since... *shrugs*...
Before you say this, you really should stop by your local junkyard and look at the tire selection.
My philosophy is: Instead of buying a cheap, no-name brand tire for cheap, I buy a lightly used (one or two year old) name brand, high-quality tire that’s garnered good reviews from users and that I’ve thoroughly…
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
I have a Jewish friend who had an All Road, and he said it was the worst thing the Germans had done since the Holocaust.
They are indeed awesome. That reminds me, I made a large post in Oppo back in March or so about my 2004 Touareg project... V10.
Leases... and weird life priorities. (Is why you see so many expensive new cars in SoCal).
Properly something to do withe the fact that Rich Energy were ordered by the court to reveal their finances.
Oddjob is telling the Hobbit in the hi-vis to kill the ugly car with fire (it’s a Ferrari; he was being ironic).
I posted it because I liked it. The car rules. Hoonigans post a couple of videos per day, always about cars, and we are a car site.
Constructive criticism? Hell yea. Bring it.
You know, the Navy has one simple request. And that is to have ships with frigate laser beams attached to their decks.