Much appreciated! -video guy
Davey was my best and only friend from k-6th grade and really gave credence to the final words in the movie Stand By Me, “I never had any friends later on like I had when I was 12.” Rather, I am 43 now and I still have never found a friend quite like him later in life. Sadly I will never get to tell him face to face…
If a player could one hit kill most things, the game would be too easy. But I think if a game was built around the idea of a powerful lightsaber, it could work.
She’s scoring a lot of points, but averages less than an assist per game. I’m sure her coaches would like to encourage her to spread the ball around more, but she’s probably not used to having teammates who are also capable of scoring. Therefore, Han shoots first.
Sorry, but this is the most read car site in the world. I don’t believe for a second that nobody here is going to buy a new car. Hell, my wife and I bought a new car in December.
Because practicality is hot.
Let me drop a little lawyer on you:
Q: You’re 70 now?
A: That’s correct
Q: So, we’re to believe you’re a gentle-driving retiree, is that it?
A: Why, yes, sonny, that’s right.
This is Tom Hall, creator of Commander Keen.
Thanks, I hate it
I also suggested that very car in addition to the MDX
Pat Shanahan is the acting Secretary of Defense? As a former Boeing employee, that scares me very deeply.
The awfulness of the current design will not be dissipated until the design gets replaced, and probably not even then. That’s just how massive and obvious a design failure it is.
First of all, this is not my client. This column is for readers to submit their situations to a WCSYB form and we pick topics (see link at the end of the article). There is a question on the form that says “Tell us about your situation” it is purely open-ended. We just copy paste that text into the quoted post. She…
Of course, she can afford more, she has an expensive Range Rover. The point is she wants to downgrade to something more reasonable and probably use the rest of that money for something else that brings happiness.
This looks like a terrible buy with the potential for you to be hugely out of pocket on repairs. This car is a nightmare waiting to happen. But... but... but... this would make for some excellent articles as you bring it back to life. I say do it.