
I’m confused. Only middle seats will go away? Even if so, the aisle and the window seats aren’t six feet distant. More like..... 1.5?

Ugh, yes. I actually was just ranting to my boyfriend this morning over breakfast about how my newest Quarantine Qualm (something repeated ad nauseum during all of this) are these vague, subjective, doomsday statements of “well life as we know it will never really be the same.” Like...what does that mean? Do you mean

Open office designs are one of the reasons I decided to freelance. I need to be able to focus, and I can’t do that with so many distractions and noises. 

The more intrusive and all-consuming the fame machine gets, the more I wonder why more people don’t just do what he did and take the money and run. It doesn’t sound like he was ever very passionate about acting, so why subject himself to the level of scrutiny that comes with fame in 2020?

That movie is wickedly awful, but daaaaaamn, he looked good.

The Last Airbender because Dev Patel was in it. Yes, that one. No, I hadn’t seen the cartoon yet. It was a steaming pile of shit, but at least my crush was ultimately vindicated.

My first boyhood crush was, of all people, Dean Jones:


Pompeii with Kit Harington. I’d just come off of maternity leave with my first son and wanted two hours in the dark by myself - and looking at a pretty man. God, that movie’s awful.

You just dated yourself, they had to use Carbon. :-)

Many Juliette Binoche movies, probably the worst being “Dan in Real Life.”

Now playing

Ah, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Come for the Slater (or Costner, or Freeman, etc), stay for the Rickman.

Watched Regarding Henry for my first true love, Harrison Ford. Watched it multiple times. Wish I could say ‘no regrets,’ but holy crap that movie is terrible.

When my first boyfriend dumped me, my big sis took me to see White Squall. Well, as I recall, it was neither a dumb movie nor the kind of thing to cheer one up (we ended up with a post-movie discussion comparing Jeff Bridges’ character to our ballet teacher). But she was right about there being quite a few hot

All of the Tom Cruise movies I watched before he jumped on the couch.

The amount of times I watched Eric Bana put on his armour in Troy was just shameful. So that has to be my pick.

Down With Love, because I will always love Ewan McGreggor.

I will watch all the Thor movies just in case he takes his shirt off. I am not proud, but I am not ashamed.

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.