
Yes! I hope other companies follow suit, too.

If I recall correctly, the TMC introduction in the past has also included a person of color. TMC always does a wonderful job of contextualizing films in their time, while never shying away from current assessments. In its (temporary?) censure, people will miss out on the performance of Hattie McDaniel, who played

Seriously. If GWTW is your idea of the South Triumphant you’ve only ever watched the first twenty minutes. The romantic idealizing of Scarlett and her absolute sociopathic worldview and obsession with the one guy who told her to get bent instead of falling at her feet is just--people’s insistence in seeing what they

Trivia fact: When adjusted for inflation, Gone With The Wind remains the highest grossing movie of all time. It’s not going to be forgotten or covered up, ala Song of the South.

Now playing

I admit I haven’t seen the film in some time; it’s one of those “classics” I made sure to watch when I was in my early 20's and trying to become something of a film buff. But it didn’t grab me the way that Casablanca did, and I haven’t ever revisited it.

I read and loved Gone With the Wind when I was pretty young, and in retrospect would have very much appreciated some context - that book, combined with an 8th grade history teacher that insisted that the Civil War was about money and not slavery, gave me some unfortunate ideas about slavery and the time period that I

I only saw Gone with the Wind as an adult and I truly understood the “hype’ about this film. It is a gorgeous film about a horrible subject. We can debate all day as to whether it “promotes” the golden days of the South but I think the fact that Trump evoked the film at a rally because Parasite won Best Picture tells

Gone with the Wind is one of difficult films for me as while I get a lot of criticism and issues concerning it, I also absolutely love it on many levels and there’s something about Scarlett O’Hara that really fascinates me.

Also adopted and same... I can’t even imagine the trauma this child is experiencing. These people are complete trash. 

The “Gotcha Day” phenomenon seems to have emerged over the past 15 to 20 years. It is meant as a celebration, but that celebration is entirely one-sided and contributes to the narrative that an adopted child’s life only begins after adoption. What happened before is to be forgotten and pushed aside or (common & worse)

As you said, it works for our family, but thanks for implying we don’t treat them like “blood relatives”. And you’re right, a lot of people don’t understand adoption, so they’ve never shied away from being open and honest about the process. One could also argue that the “you were adopted, now let’s never talk about it

Oh she’s done like five different MLMs. Since she shares her entirely life publicly, I know that despite being one of the few folks my age to land a profitable job immediately out of college and marrying someone with an equally profitable job (they have around 200k household income) she is in massive massive amounts

I dunno, if it works for your family then that’s fine, but in my experience as an adoptee, I think a gotcha day would feel more othering than celebratory. Our adoptions weren’t a secret by any means, but everyone in my immediately and extended family has always treated us as blood relations, and I don’t think I would

This. Who watches this stuff?!

A girl I went to go high school with got married soon after graduation and had five kids. She has always been a SAHM. They named their kids super weird shit like Flower or Dorsal. Never left our hometown.

While I think that them realizing they can’t handle what this child needs and letting another family adopt him is probably a traumatic and difficult decision.....thank god he’s not with this monetizing-a-child fucking awful excuse for human beings. I agree, just look at their “apology” screenshot. Hair done, beard

Did she start selling essential oils on Facebook? My friends and I got pregnant all within 6 months or so of one another (every other month someone was having a kid, for like two years) and I was slowly booted because I didn’t join the essential oils kick. I got my biology degree, and started questioning the claims

“and I don’t even watch the shitty videos Jezebel produces because I’d rather read”

I have heard adopted friends refer to the day they were adopted as ‘gotcha day’.

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos?