
Thank you.  This is the best description I could have (but couldn’t think of) as to why I don’t like that term either.  I also don’t like small children’s images being broadcast to the world about how happy they are they’re adopted.  They’ve clearly been coached and maybe being adopted is something they’re not happy

Every single David Duchovny movie...

I had quite a few friends comment on Kate Winslet being older than Liam Hemsworth in ‘The Dressmaker’. It fucked me off so much. Seriously, who gives a fuck, especially when they looked as fabulous as Kate did in that movie.

Kylie + Jason 4 EVA!

Before Soon-yi I had really eally tried to like Woody Allen movies but they just left me cold. Since that all happened I can’t even contemplate watching one.

ALWAYS vote below the line too. The night before election night is always an exciting time of “who goes last?” on my ballot form. Eg. There may possibly be more damaging groups but none more annoying then Family First...

Now playing

Fatso from A Country Practice was there first...

Strewth mate, most Aussie post evah!

We did Brisbane to Tasmania in our Land Cruiser and Camper trailer (about 5000km round trip) and two kids who were 2 and 3 at the time. My 2 year old decided that he wasn’t going to wear nappies any more so that was a bit of a disaster along the way and several pairs of undies were sacrificed to bins along the

I have always resented the “you were lucky” comments. I’m sure 1 week old me really felt lucky when my birthmother left me at the home for unwed mothers.

I’m adopted and whilst I love my parents, it isn’t the same as if they were my biological parents. I truly wish it was, but it isn’t. I’m not saying they’re lesser, but it definitely isn’t the same. I know this because I have children of my own and I can feel the difference in my marrow. Some adopted people may feel

Those cheekbones! Add in my other goddess in GA and that show was too beautiful to last.

Betting all my money that they live in Byron Bay.

Yes, me too! The naked on a rock scene in Firefly had a big effect on me. When I was pregnant I woke up orgasming after a Nathan Fillion sex dream.

Dream David Duchovny also gave me an orgasm when I was re-watching lots of X-Files during pregnancy.

Pete Evans whole anti-formula give the baby bone broth thing lost me completely....

As a Queenslander I’ll always say Melbourne out of the old Syd-Mel rivalry but I think the public service would do better to decentralise out of Canberra.

Yeah same. Nice to visit but don’t want to live there.

Public servant who isn’t Canberra based so my biases are probably showing!

He was too busy using the Australian soldiers for cannon fodder and not using current maps when invading a country...

Canberra is a centre of civilisation/culture? Colour me surprised...