Live in Seattle. To me, its more of an age thing. Women in their 50s give me the “Oh you’ll change your mind” or “That’s what I said too, until I had (child),” while to people my own age or younger it’s no big deal.
Live in Seattle. To me, its more of an age thing. Women in their 50s give me the “Oh you’ll change your mind” or “That’s what I said too, until I had (child),” while to people my own age or younger it’s no big deal.
Girl, these kids are out here in these streets wearing the same shit I made the mistake of wearing back in high school. And it’s making me feel old as fuck. No joke, I saw at Urban Outfitters a pic of a model with a spaghetti-strap, flower patterned dress worn over a short-sleeve white t-shirt. I promptly fled the…
Anyone who willingly goes by the name Jock is, by definition, an asshole. Most likely he is also a mysogynist, a racist, and a Nickelback fan...Ugh.
You have to be careful though. My friends cat ate the ribbon and had to go into surgery to have it removed. If you’re going to do this just be sure to keep a good eye on them.
I know I’ve said this on other articles about the same phenomenon, but I think for a lot of people it’s a defensive reaction to the shade you get when you leave New York. I skipped out of town 6 years ago (almost to the day) for Chicago, and I can tell you that the amount of people who insinuated that I just couldn’t…
A wild fedora-guy appears!
oh man is this a real post
I like this moment from earlier today.
This is a wonderful introduction to Rasmea and to broader issues relating to Palestinian liberation, and I’m so happy to see it here in Jezebel. I’m sure the Zio-bots are booting up to post comments as I write with long diatribes about the Hamas charter and the Mufti of Jerusalem, but as this article makes clear,…
I used to work with Uber’s current head of HR. She is an atrocious human being. In addition to the fact that many women in STEM have similar stories, I have ZERO doubts that their HR VP is fully capable of letting this happen on her watch, even knowing about it and not caring. She’s the perfect HR VP for a company…
Yep, my 16 year old sister confirmed that this is because they are hyper aware of their online presence and want to be in control of it. It’s also a signal to your friends not to tag you either, which I get but...why are you posing for a picture in the first place? Why not just decline the photographer or turn your…
They have different reasons for doing it -- after all teenagers are major followers. However according to my 13 year old step daughter, she doesn’t want facial recognition apps automatically tagging her on social media. She wants to choose where her pictures goes. Somehow I think it’s just the ‘cool thing to do’ for a…
We have 2 Maine Coons, and they are awesome. They’re beautiful, and actually quite dog-like in their personalities and behavior but with the intelligence of a cat. One is ginormous, and rules the roost. The other is petite and is the baby of the family. Both are rescue cats and whenever I hear someone is looking to…
Everything about how Kalief came to be arrested and incarcerated is heartbreaking and just, insane that this happens because it is probably still happening to other people.
It’s interesting how little empathy people have for mental illness when the sufferer looks like Azealia. If she were...different, somehow...I just get the feeling the attitude towards a young woman with obvious mental issues would be more forgiving. You know, like with Lindsay Lohan and her drug problem.
First, the St. Louis PD is the only corrupt police department in the country? Wow, must be nice to live in that reality.
Yeah, my parents, sister, brother-in-law and nephew live there. They’re wonderful, caring people. Your provincial bias, based on the tiny group of people you read about, is offensive.
No, actually, you are wrong. You could argue that it depends on where you set the threshold for “bad” people, but that’s not relevant to how different states measure up against each other. I don’t live in Missouri, but I know how irritating it is when people make assumptions about you based on where you live when they…