Yup. I had been SUPER excited to hear this was in production, but then when the casting came out? Bye.
Yup. I had been SUPER excited to hear this was in production, but then when the casting came out? Bye.
Still pissed about the whitewashing. Pass.
I would argue one bit here: This is one rare instance in which Miley Cyrus did not appropriate anything - ‘cause she didn’t twerk. She just shook her nearly nonexistent hips from side to side. Not that she wasn’t trying to appropriate, as is her all-too-frequent MO, but she did not succeed.
Agree. Please keep posting Laurie’s clips because I don’t want to have to trudge through watching this infernal shitshow just to see her.
I think Lainey at LaineyGossip nailed it
If schools require being a fucking whore to get in then I’m going to Harvard bitches!
Entirely disagree. That oxblood lipstick won the makeup gold by like 100000 points.
You should go to her stream and tell her more about what she should do with her own body, and what she deserves if she doesn’t meet your standards.
As a Chicagoan who loves President Obama, I cheered when we lost the bid, and I’m still grateful today that we lost it. Nothing to do with the President, everything to do with the costs, as well as who would actually benefit from the games and what damages they would leave in their wake.
Can attest. Shit, we lost the Star Wars museum bc the “Friends of the Parks” were worried about its footprint. They would have all collectively died re: the Olympics. Don’t even start on the cost...
It was the 2nd Daley, actually.
i love Obama, but I cheered when we lost because it would have been a nightmare. The city is nearly bankrupt, we are closing schools and constantly raising taxes (highest sales tax in the nation and our property taxes keep going up and up). I have no inclination for this to all to get worse in the name of sports.…
As I recall, the people in Chicago cheered because they KNEW it would be a self-destructive shitshow that would endanger some of the greatest natural treasures the city had, all so the mayor at the time (Emanuel?) could come off looking more powerful.
I feel a sudden need to introduce you to the Ryanair experience.
Gymnastics is the only Summer Olympic sport I care about enough to devote time to watching it. Glad to hear there are options for coverage out there other than NBC.
...and people of colour.
Can you tell us where to find info if we got cash back? I buy ebooks on Amazon all the time, but couldn’t find anything on my account.
We should start by taking holistic sentencing analyses of crimes that don’t have a victim. I don’t think anyone thinks the system is currently too tough on rapists. It’s too tough on recreational marijuana users.