Borg Queen

How the hell could anyone ever vote for a man with that kind of facial hair?

Wait. This dude is running to represent the people of VENICE BEACH and he’s out here trying to shame Cardi and Megan?! Bruh.... has he seen his constituents? lmao

Next we will hear about how he “accidentally" tripped and fell into an underage congressional page.

I’m so tired of people showing out and acting a whole fool over what amounts to cleavage and thighs. I watched the video and did not see anything that amounted to pornography or partial nudity. If you had a physiological response to the video, that’s fine. Own it. Don’t start screaming, “SATANIC!”, or “WHATABOUT THE

Dipshit troll tried some weird juxtaposition/whataboutism to get me to ungrey it. My dismiss button is like a stake through the heart of energy vampires like that. And I’m feeling stab happy.

Look at him...all those good ole master race genes just werking....

I’m tired too.

Yes he was, sometimes it takes a bastard to know what bastards are thinking.

THIS WHOLE ESSAY. As sister to a grown man that has similar problems, I know it can be impossible to make someone accept help when they don’t want it.

“who said all whites are racist and how can I prove I’m more racister than them?

Cops across the country are hell-bent on trying to pin this on the protests. You know, nevermind the pandemic which has produce epic and record levels of unemployment, GDP contraction, and just general economic displacement. Forget the GOP delaying and obstructing literal emergency aid to the country.

I never get tired of RWNJ self-pwnage.

There is no way Mt Trashmore is not a Simpson’s reference.

Lee Majors is looking worse for wear.

Bareswill initially denied he was responsible for the call...

Can’t maintain a white nationalist utopia if you can’t take away the vote.

*taps temple*

Nothing should result in losing your right to vote. It ought to be one of the absolute rights in a democracy.

The dog got shot.

Hopefully the dog makes a full recovery.