Borg Queen

You gotta account for the people too embarrassed to admit they’ll vote for him.

that’s pretty much the christians still voting republican to save the babies.

I’m honestly pretty impressed that only 50% of us white people will vote for the person who says the racism part out loud vs. the person who probably only thinks it most of the time.  I would have put it closer to 75% if you’d have asked me.

Serena Williams, while not Oprah rich or anything but still rich was treated like crap by medical professionals when she had her child. She had some complications and they didn’t believe her, obviously she survived and everything but yes black women tend to be treated worse than white women, regardless of class.

If you gotta go on Twitter to not all white people this then I’m pretty sure you’re part of that 50% who wants to vote for him or you’re just strongly considering voting for him.

Those pieces of shits never learned humility and with that encouragement, they became selfish garabge, get them out.

Well the privilege explains trailer park republicans that vote GOP and yet complain about economic anxiety.

Uh-oh, can’t let middle-America’s Black friend get uppity, now. They made her and they can break her!  (Too late for that she got more dollars than GAWD)

Oprah is a billionaire, one of half a dozen African-American billionaires & 880,000-plus black millionaires in America.”

I feel like it’s worth pointing out that, according to a fast googling, there are 630 billionaires and 18.6 million millionaires in the US. African Americans make up ~ 13% of the US population

I think Swan did an excellent job myself. Dump thrives on aggressive questioning that lets him fire off the angry retorts that his base absolutely loves. Once he goes into attack mode, it no longer matters how wrong he is. Swan kept him on the topic (not easy to do when you’re dealing with a dementia patient) and

Seriously. Swan isn’t great interviewer, he just did the simple thing that the other dumbfucks at CNN, etc. don’t do: ask that motherfucker to prove it. He says some shut to most of them and if they can’t instantly refute it, they take it as fact. 

Hmm...Trump doesn’t consider kneeling disgraceful when it’s a white cop’s knee... and it’s pressing on a black man’s carotid artery. Funny how that works.

These idiots really do not get it do they? This is freedom of speech in action! This is right to assemble in action! This is the freedom that our forefathers fought for!

Trump seemed frazzled that Swan (no relation to the lake) didn’t just swallow the president’s dim-witted explanation like the fair and balanced journalists at Fox News.

I really can’t wait till he’s in prison and no one gives a shit what he thinks or says. 

Says the traitor who allowed Russia to use others to hunt down US soldiers.

More disgraceful than sitting on your ass while 150,000 Americans die?

The only reason any woman votes republican is because their husband told them to.