No, in fact they should have added something:
No, in fact they should have added something:
“As a white person, do you have any genuine interest in learning about the path that our country has forced non-white people to walk since the colonial period?”
Ah, thank you. I am not a gun owner and am not up to speed on the laws but that kind of makes sense (from a legal standpoint, not from the standpoint of these idiots that need their penis-extensions on their person so bad they are willing to risk catching/ spreading a deadly respiratory disease)
They could have just STAYED IN THEIR UGLY-ASS HOUSE if they were so “afraid.” THEY are the aggressors here not the people moving past their house
I.... where do they think the mask goes?
Yes! Pants around the ankles and everything. Although the thought of seeing that makes my breakfast come back up but it would be worth to see this fucker humiliated on national tv.
You know a part of me hopes he doesn’t leave peacefully if and when (Gloria willing) he loses the election. Just so we can see his fat ass get dragged out of the WH in handcuffs along with the rest of his treasonous family.
Humanity is poorer today
How fucked up is it that him getting on tv and screaming the n-word for 2 hours, while terrible, is not even high up on the list of shit he needs to get thrown out of office for.
Hey, that’s literally the only thing we have on Canada.
While the guillotine was certainly a spectacle the main reason for its invention was efficiency. A sword-or-axe-man’s arm could get tired doing multiple executions per day in the midst of a revolution (mostly swords, as the axe was a crude instrument and left for the filthy English to use on their criminals). …
Lol anyone want to speculate as to his pornhub search history?
Even better!
You do us that great favor and we’ll go ahead and give the Stanley Cup to the Canadian team of your choice this year.
‘“I am not sure they are worthy of the Red Tail name,” Lt. Col. James Harvey, 97, told Time. “They don’t win that many games...”,
Except erecting a statue in the middle of your town implies hero worship and glorification. So no, in fact statues belong in a museum where, again, context could be applied by saying who this person was and why their statue was removed from a public place.
My grandmother would regularly give her 4 grandchildren money (cash mostly but sometimes checks). It wasn’t until years later that we learned this was reparations directly from the German government for the Holocaust. She didn’t want their money but she couldn’t send it back so she passed it along to her…
Another problem with this is, by pulling these movies and shows, it allows white people to avoid the conversation. Why this movie was made, why those involved thought these scenes and portrayals were ok, etc. we need to be faced with the reality of our actions and beliefs if we’re ever going to change things.
The US is rich enough to do both, we’re just fucking idiots with our money