What is this “maybe” shit? ;)
What is this “maybe” shit? ;)
Came down to the comments for this. That scene was....intense *fans lap*
“What could these coddled athletes POSSIBLY crave that the NBA chefs couldn’t make with 24 hours notice and have delivered to them?!?!?!”
I do recognize the possibility this was an intentional artistic choice. But it definitely comes across like the shoot was lit for a white woman and she didn’t bother to change it
Also very possible
I totally agree, however I do also recognize that some artists are married to their technique which is why the underlined portion of my original comment. If a white photographer can’t light Black skin properly or effectively work with Black skin or hair, then that artist should step aside and make room for someone…
I never said that only Black photographers should shoot Black subjects. But generally, a Black photographer will most likely have a better understanding of lighting needs in that situation. I used the makeup artist comparison as it is similar... a Black person who does makeup naturally has more experience working…
My....god... this is an amazing cover! And you’re right-this is a dark-skinned woman, wearing a darker colored dress, shot against a dark background and she looks RADIANT. It can be done people! (From a purely aesthetic standpoint, and I look forward to reading the linked article)
Annie Leibovitz is a very talented photographer. As stated in the article, her dark, arty style has always worked well for people with lighter skin. If she is unable to adapt her techniques to different subjects/ situations, then a different photographer should do the shoot. Obviously, we need more Black…
I mean to be fair those idiots ARE worthless bags of flesh.
Growing up I had a dog that, for his entire life, would startle himself with his own farts. Because of this I can confidently say that yes, Trump is the dumbest animal on the planet
Diverse “for New Hampshire” :)
Because going away from home and meeting people of different backgrounds and beliefs and learning about worldly concepts is antithetical to the conservative belief that only America matters and only white, straight, upper-middle-class males matter.
So instead of feeling pride that her community is diverse and contains people of different cultures who freely express themselves in their primary language, this ignorant bitch throws a racist fit on the Internet.
To take your last paragraph a little further, (white) Americans are proud of being uneducated in general. All that fancy book-learnin is for godless liberals and being all “golly gee I don’t know ‘bout them furriners over there” is what a true American is. We revel in our stupidity
My stoner college-boyfriend’s giant-ass Maine Coon would disagree with you!
Ben Carson is napping in his chair, dreaming of Klingon Jesus
I wish we had the technology to take the memories of the last moments of life from the countless Black people that have been murdered by police and implant those in people like her. (Yes, this was a Star Trek episode). People like her with privilege and entitlement have NEVER felt that fear and never will. Maybe if…
‘Make her pick up trash in Central for a month with a sign on saying “I’m a racist bitch”.’