Borg Queen

They both suck and should be thrown into a pit to tear each other apart so we can all be relieved of their presence. That being said it was funny to see Piers tearing him apart, just savage. Probably the only time I’ve ever rooted for that blithering idiot and now I need a shower.

“...the news anchor took it like a G.”

I would imagine hand gestures were made but they weren’t waves!

I’m not sure there’s a more accurate comparison of the 2 administrations than that picture.  Fuck

Thoughts and prayers!

oh damn

White Feminism, ladies and gentlemen!!!!!

If your area doesn’t already have an “FBI Surveillance Van” then you should totally go with that lol

I’m having a hard time believing that a kid of any age wouldn’t see the world “butthole” and just crack the fuck up.  This dude’s either a liar (likely) or his grandkids suck


Ah thanks, I don’t follow football and was mainly focused on how that sentence made him sound like Robert Downey Jr in  Tropic Thunder.  Leave it to the NFL to be even worse than we think

I venture over there once in a blue moon just to remind myself of what we’ve lost

This is almost like reverse-Clapback Mailbag as that whole stupidass article reads like some  shit a racist wacko would write in.  “Why dont u blaks save yurselfs MAGA!!1111”

Yes!!! I’ve been waiting all day for this article and so glad you were the one to write it, Michael! I hate-read the Deadspin article with a mixture of fascination (that someone actually approved publication) and anger (mostly anger). One of the worst takes on the Fed-Uprising yet

He seems more like a Golden Corral frequent-flyer but your point stands

I would venture to guess the only thing this piece of shit has ever intimidated is a buffet

*wanking motion*

The most I can summon for this idiot is a half-shrug and this comment.

‘...what’s happening isn’t new, it’s being filmed.”‘