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All I have to say is don’t even bother with Kane & Lynch 2. Not worth the bandwidth...

but it made possible one of the funniest zero punctuation review!

I have to mention Jaylen Brown. No I don’t think he was in the running, but I do think he’s an example of a quality rookie buried on a good team. He looked like a solid pro all year, but had a ridiculously short leash. He’d miss a defensive assignment then play 6 minutes over the next 3 games. He shone during a

This is also the town I reside in and I was with you at first because I thought the common problem was jay walkers walking right out in front of you. I don’t know about the papers thing but jay walking is a crime and can be hazardous, and if you’re stupid enough to do a crime right in front a cop, and then cop an

I don’t think a remake of Shadow of the Colossus counts as a big announcement. It’s a great game but it has already had an HD version released.

Um, should the show really be expected to act in loco parentis of grown-ass contestants?

That’s probably the whole crux of this thing. If they were just two drunks in a pool, it’s just another weekend in Acapulco. The fact that they were two drunks in a pool on a tv show and that they kept filming is a big liability for the production company.

Since you are an heterosexual man, and one who makes a point to emphasize it, it is only normal that banging a dude is not appealing to you.

Gah, one day we will have a proper (not-massively) multiplayer/co-op Elder-scrolls game.

like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

I don’t think that James Franco is as weird as he wants everyone to think he is.

If you are human and possess X/Y-Chromosome pairs, you are male regardless of any surgery, drug-therapy, makeup, attire, personal belief/feeling -OR- politics. It’s simply SCIENCE!!

Hey look! Another person who tries to use a “policing” argument as a dodge for addressing the substance of the statement.

I did not kill Martin Luther King.

Overwatch definitely does not have something for everyone. You know, like people who don’t enjoy online multiplayer.

To the first point; yes, I will be....but I also realise it would be self defeating to put that response in a way that would put everyone who isn’t on the spectrum into a defensive position.

You’ll get your stars, but Trump is not Hitler. Don’t be a stupid liberal, be a smart one.

No, as much as Trump sucks the Hitler comparisons make no sense to anyone with the slightest understanding of history. It’s lazy, it’s stupid, it’s dangerous.

Seriously. $40 would’ve been an insta-buy.

It’s annoying that such old games are still so expensive, but then again you can’t even buy UA2 used at a place like gamestop without spending over $30

$40 for both? Sure. Count me in. $60? Lol, no.