Hey now, in addition to not naming him she also only put this post out for her own healing....on a public forum.....then advertised that post on a more popular social network.
Hey now, in addition to not naming him she also only put this post out for her own healing....on a public forum.....then advertised that post on a more popular social network.
John Goodman marries Phylicia Rashad after both of their spouses die in explosions. The Conner and Huxtable families merge Brady Bunch style.
If Your Job Sucks, Just Quit, Start a Band, Burn Your Savings Self-Financing a Few Recording Sessions, Release an Album, Sell 32 Copies, Get a Shittier Job than Before Because You Can’t Satisfactorily Explain Why You Were Voluntarily Unemployed For a Year
You think anything short of prison is basically a slap on the wrist? Loss of ones name and reputation, to be deemed a sexual predator and treated as a pariah, this is almost as bad as prison.
Ever-so-slightly harm? Like Aziz Ansari was slightly harmed? That you downplay the impact of mob-like public shaming is exactly why there is a #metoo backlash. Seems many of you take relish in destrying men for trifling acts. What skeletons are in your closet?
I know this will stay in the grays, but what the fuck ever. Jesus, people, do you seriously believe that every. single. damn. woman who accuses a man of sexual harassment or assault is telling the truth? That no one ever makes a false accusation? Is it so fucking impossible that there are occasionally — just…
Honestly I think the only difference in “gaze” is that the female gaze is reserved for the best of the best men - 8.5 and up, and the male gaze is a bit less discriminatory - like 5.5 and up. And I think both have bio components.
And the “male gaze” argument doesn’t really work in the MCUwith the sheer tonnes of Thor and BuckyCap stuff women create on the Internet.
One of those men would be Peter Griffin.
I’m wary of sounding like That Guy, but have we really reached the point where all works of art must address all social issues equally and at once? I mean, I get that intersectionality is a thing and representation is important and all the other things that I have a sneaking suspicion someone will show up to…
It has an O at the end so it is evil and must be killed with fire.
Plus why does her being pregnant make it wrong to break up? I don’t know about y’all but just because someone is pregnant doesn’t mean that the relationship should stay intact. Perhaps it was her being pregnant that made him realize “No way in hell is it healthy to stay with her and raise this child together.” We’ll…
Lol, that’s why you always wait till after the call to go full psycho! : P
We’re supposed to be opposed to a woman artist with a knack for self promotion? How do you think we know who Basquiat is exactly?
Have you ever noticed with all these stars their first step is always something like ‘governor’? Its not small town mayor or city council or some smaller political appointment to gain experience and work their way up. Its just ‘people like me and I think I’m right so I must be qualified!’
Maybe, just maybe, cops in inner city’s are so used to seeing guns and shootouts and dead cops that they have become conditioned to shoot now ask later.
Favorite: Thor Ragnarok. For finally figuring out how to make a good Thor movie.
Facts, schmacts. Let’s just spread stories that support whatever narrative we want to push.