
I really miss that show.

Maybe she went to the 2016 Republican National Convention in the Walternate Universe. Ask her what the vibrational frequency of CSMX-4 made with rhenium 185 is.

Uh ... yeah. Kind of.

Couldn’t disagree more. The point of basketball is watch them play basketball. Y’know... one team is actively trying to score while the other is actively trying to prevent/defend them from scoring. The free throw is a punishment for the team who can’t defend without going too far physically. Intentionally fouling a

I was a snare drummer! Those are my best HS memories.

Yeah, but westerners think all jp vo is great

Porn is my religion. VR will kill two birds with one stone for me.

That would explain why there are so few televangelists.

I imagine that 4K will just eventually become the standard, kind of like 4G in your smartphone. Nobody really needs to run out and buy into the new tech immediately, but once it’s out, no manufacturers want to keep making the old stuff. Eventually you’ll just get to a point where when you go to get a new TV, you’ll

I don’t get that either. So she didn’t stay in her back yard to learn and make music. She went out into the world to gain some knowledge. Creativity is something that happens inside of you. To a lot of folks, it’s a “spiritual experience.” Obviously, music is an integral part of her being. She found something amazing,

She did ecstasy and listend to EDM ... today’s spirituality.

I’m 54 and started playing Pinball when I was maybe 8 or 9, but in a then-small town like Groveport OH, there wasn’t really much variety :)

Except me and all my friends are and have always been hardcore gamers and we all went Xbox One when it came out. We could see past marketing issues and didn’t care what people said online. We’ve always been Xbox gamers. When I say we I just mean my gaming group but there’s around 20 of us and we’ve been friends for

He didn’t say that. Different directors ask of their actors different things. Sometimes it’s just show up knowing your lines. Sometimes it’s “let’s really talk about this and get our collective creative consciousness flowing”. Some actors are flexible and some are inflexible. He seems to be suggesting she's the

Damn, I don’t have either system and am leaning toward getting a PS4 here soon, but deals like this make that really difficult

Damn, I don’t have either system and am leaning toward getting a PS4 here soon, but deals like this make that really

Johnny Depp has for years thought he was Hunter S. Thompson. I’m just gonna say it. It’s fucking embarrassing as shit. Hunter also beat up women. Johnny Depp is a drama kid gone sour. Good riddance, you hammy shitheel.

When I worked at EBgames back in the day there were actually regulars that stayed a generation behind for that purpose. They didn’t feel the need to buy a $200-300 current console with games costing $40-50 when they could get a $100 or less console with a massive library of games that cost under $20.

Nicki’s breasts have very little in common with human breasts.

Any chance I can talk about my eldest son makes me happy. He left, he came back and he is now on the deen’s list. His actual grade point average is higher than a 4.0.