
Night. Pretty much every city street in Japan

Think about “Team America” - there appeared to be more barbs tossed at celebrity activists, than at Kim Jong Il.

how would you classify someone who believes in the free market, a limited government, fewer foreign military entanglements, and the freedom to sleep with/marry whoever you want?

Doom 2 had a “city” map which was pretty cool for it’s time. Finally out in the fresh air. Plus it introduced some really tough mobs - the kind you turn tail and run from .

statistically, it amounts to roughly 200 women a month, and 700 men.

Reminds me of a post a week ago or so, where a young black female inmate died while in detention. No indication of foul play but it was “eerily similar to the Sandra Bland case”. Actually it wasn’t at all, and it’s an insult to Sandra Bland to claim it was just because she was black (she died of natural causes). Same

Quite low, considering the amount of time it takes to make such a video.

Yeah, but do you really want to see Black Mumblecore movies? (actually, yeah)

Except for that one time when finally *you* are the lucky one, and are well on your way to winning. Finally!

Exactly! Everybody’s weight settles in different places. This lovely model has it settling in this “classic” hourglass configuration, and seemingly carries very little in her face and belly.

Right, and it’s USA Average at that. We are the runaway champs at obesity at 38%. The runner up (China) limps into second place with 4%.

Is it though? Horrifying? People die.

You don’t even need a genuinely good reason. “I changed my mind” or “I don’t feel up to it, maybe next year.” or “I’d don’t want my children to be so close in age” or “I planned to go to London next April.”

Thing is, you’ll also have to boycott “Oklahoma!” the musical, in any and all formats.

I love the Dinner version because it’s such a statement about the times in which it was made. I don’t think it gets enough credit for that.

fair enough, but let’s see the hair color after your residency... I’ve still yet to see an “alterna-doc”.

So, a bunch of C list heroes, in a world full of A listers, will team up and do what exactly? Clean up the scraps that the Hulk missed?

Sure, but the R rating was mainly in place to feature Miranda’s parts. (I referred to her as tippy the turtle

in a classic “they deserve each other” sort of way.

At my gf’s apartment in the 90's, I cracked open this little tv she had the BR and wired a monophonic headphone jack (and toggle switch) off the speaker. Specifically so we wouldn’t have to listen to each others’ crappy tv shows.