
I think the entire series failed the bechdel test until it gave one of them cancer.

I wonder if they will make a patch that turns Fallout into an RPG?

yup - but it’s also the systems - in skyrim I was addicted to enchanting the crap out of everything. In this game is was creating the most badass 10mm on the planet, and once that was done, I went about creating semi-skyscrapers and lighting them from bottom to top.

I know right? Maybe it’s because I never really got into FO3 or FONV, but I think the game’s a right corker. I never cared about Bethesda’s story lines all that much, because I could always walk away from them any time I wasn’t completely compelled, and try on some other stuff. And in this game, not only can you pick

i can see “i want to go out of my way to experience more art from diverse perspectives this year” but if you state that you “will avoid art created by a certain group this year”, you should dump your art appreciation card in the nearest trash receptacle. it’s about the work, shithead.

Nah, everything about fo 4 is an improvement over previous versions. It looks way better, its a better shooter. Upgrading guns is a hoot, making damn towns is a trip. The companion selection is super varied. The world is rich with content. And it is the most stable 1.0 release of a Bethesda game ever.

or maybe, it’s “sure, I can scratch out a decent stick figure, and mainly stick between the lines in a coloring book, but it don’t go labeling me man!”

I think the message is, “I used to be an aspiring artist, and after years of heartache, wound up designing text to be stamped onto t-shirts for 2-month-olds.”

yeah... well there are only two N’s so there.

Yeah - not getting the FO4 hate at all! Maybe it’s because FO3 & NV didn’t grab me as quickly as 4 did. So I dug deeper into 4, and now it’s got me, to the point where I’m building all kinds of stupid settlement buildings and forgot all about my stupid son.

And another mini-game where you try to shut the windows, while demi moore keeps opening them. If she gets all 5 windows open, she dies, and you have to start over.

Yeah - I’m guessing Ren’s training focused mainly on mind-over-matter type stuff. And he’s kind of feebly self taught on the old laser sword.

AGAIN, yet AGAIN the single stupid flaw to take out the death star iteration

You would expect the weather in a post-nuclear apocalypse wasteland to be a constant shit storm

I’m imagining it’s simple to create falling snow, perhaps even in a mod. The challenge is in accumulation. You could create a couple of snow versions for every outdoor top texture (roof, ground, rock, car, etc). Yikes. I don’t even think Skyrim bothers with this. There’s perma-snow in some areasm, and that’s it.

As a Bostonian, I hope that someone from the community or Bethesda finds a way to add nor’easters to the mix. there’s probably no easy way to add accumulating snow to this engine . But that would be accurate to the local experience, and cool as heck.

dogmeat’s adorable, but when I’ve traveled with him, he is mostly useless in combat, and I end up feeling bad listening to him in pain.

Unlike the 32x, Sega CD, and Saturn, the Dreamcast wasn’t botched. It was well-designed, well-marketed, and well-run. In the US, it had possibly the best launch line-up of any console ever, and sold well initially. It also represented the biggest power-bump until the 360 came out. The difference between PSX/N64 to

I was thinking of up-res’d low-poly games of the dreamcast era. I know that anything short of a 980x struggles with contemporary titles at 4k. Those would stick with 1080p.