
Right now’s not a bad time to pump in a proper console though. Because Sony & MS both came out with kind of underpowered gear for this gen, which they were planning on riding for years and years, all Sega would have to do is wire up something a bit more contemporary spec-wise - get it out next fall. Maybe even make

That’s fun to watch and learn. Too bad candy canes suck dick.

Actually it was this guy (not this exact guy, but one of his many clones).

similar to those sister-wives dealies.

Big Trak

My sister is a a 48 year old artist. She does not game and never did. A couple of months ago she was brought to a local indie game fest by a friend. She got to ride that oculus-bicycle gizmo that has you control a winged horse. She will not stop talking about it.

*You’re* not going away any time soon!

What! No “numbnuts”?!

Why do you dislike this game so?

You should be skeptical of every single word, even “a” and “the”, written on a dating profile. People are capable of bottomless depths of deception, especially self-deception.

This is the first Bethesda game I’ve actually preferred hoofing over fast travel (except for junk drops). You should get XP for walking, like a PIPBit.

Some folks brains have, like, built in Ritalin, so they always see stuff through to the bitter end. I’d like to hire them.

then why not give them the best: Skyrim (unless they already played it to death on the 360). An average GPU will play it 1080p/60fps with all sliders maxed. Plus a practically bottomless set of cool mods. Some games easily justify the cost of the game ($60) - skyrim is one of those games that justifies the cost of the

Agreed - graphically intense PC games are often released when only a minority of gamers could actually run them well. This is something going way way back, even before proper “3d cards”. I remember having to run Doom in a smaller window because my 486sx would choke.

huh - no Skyrim? You crazy? No Fallout 4? You crazy!!

Diablo 3 on consoles is probably the best couch co-op out there.

I agree with the GTAV statement. The key gameplay is still rather dodgy (shooting, driving). You gotta be into the whole GTA vibe to enjoy the game - and it’s a highly off-putting vibe. I know that for some, it’s bliss. For me, I wish I had bought a physical copy, because I’d sell it.

I agree - though they should also maintain a separate list of “best games you can’t play anywhere else”

I bought a PS4 although the XB1’s exclusives are more appealing to me (at least Halo and Forza). Because 3rd party is where it’s at, and PS4 tends to have the slightly better rendition. In the end, though, I probably should have spent the $400 on a kick-butt GPU for my PC.

This is the first Bethesda romp that has me gravitating away from fast travel. Skyrim made hoofing it a bit of a chore, with its sprawling map, and maze of mountains. But Fake Boston is probably the coolest world I’ve seen in a game. It’s gorgeous, tense, and alive. I love hearing distant firefights, or feeling the