
I sometimes find myself in downward spiral, where I do inadvisable things, such as: read the comments on a article. Yeah, it’s bad out there.

But the xbone is not emulating the 360 when running its games. Even if Microsoft claims emulation

I stand by the original statement. The data required in order to make statements like “just about every critic says the game is full of bugs” needs to be taken from a representative sample of appropriate size. Not just a few quotes from a handful of reviewers, most of whom don’t provide detail (eg. I’d love to hear

Let’s stop pretending that plural of anecdotes=data. I’m hours and hours into the PS4 version, and zero bugs / framerate issues whatsoever. I did lots of different things, had some huge battles, wandered a lot. No bugs. If the game had “lots of bugs” a typical user should experience at least one every 8 hours, right?

I plugged about 8 hours into it yesterday on PS4. No crashes, no freezes, no framerate drops (outside of an occassional slight pause to load an asset), and no bugs. Not one. The only thing close to a bug was when I saw all these ghouls fall down again when I exited Cambridge Police station (I killed them before

When is this exactly? I put about 7 hours into the PS4 version yesterday and didn’t notice any frame drops (maybe a quick stutter as something loaded, maybe?)

We could also have a poll for “Worst Anything Ever”

Skyrim was pretty stingy with its crafting. You could craft steel junk right off the bat, but you’d have to level up and dedicate a lot of perk points to get where you could do more advanced stuff, like said dragonbone.

Or mercury (though technically not metal)

I always try to make “the prettiest girl at University” (I’ll have to ask my shrink about that one). It was very challenging in FO3 though. The best I could do was “slightly above average looking drug mule”

absolutely: give us a toggle for “avoid nasty lefts”

“...currently Apple wants to get more people onboard with Apple Maps...”

What I don’t get about Boston is tourists. Boston is not worthy as a tourist destination - it’s not uniquely attractive, and not especially “fun”.

Skyrim is my all time favorite by a mile, so maybe I can help you with the “why”. It took me an awfully long time, like 70 hours, before I started noticing the ridiculous amount of bandits and draugurs in the world. And the same-iness of the dungeons. And even after it became more apparent, the world was just so

What’s being learned about VR is that low-latency , high frame rate, and proper scale, trump “visual realism”. Sony, as masters of the hardware running the games, has full control over the framerate. Unlike Valve and Oculus, who are relying on consumers to have gear strong enough to power the experience. They will

This reminds me of when I would have problems with Windows games. Some goofy windows service would choke the CPU on a predictable periodic basis (like once every 8 seconds), and would cause a stutter.

For some people, Bethesda games are the ultimate escape. There’s just a certain something about the design that captures that elusive “compulsive AND fun” factor. And it’s one of those things you always want to return to, like a favorite vacation spot.

By the time I’m done with Fallout 4, TR will be a $4.99 flash sale.

respectfully disagree

I think it’s because the statement claimed that the student was under arrest (no mention of the charges being brought curiously).