
Google “ How does my wife want me to kiss her?”

That’s why you get cars the color of dirt - tans / golds / greys. But yeah, blacks oddly show road crud the worst.

Well, people in China better not live in Boston then.

She’s da best - and she played my aunt in a movie. it’a all about meeeeeeee

Your mom has been chasing spatial awareness since Kinect

Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!

In Fable’s defense, while it didn’t deliver on the ridiculous early promises, it excelled thanks to solid mechanics at what it did deliver (combat, leveling, art design, humor).

Posts like these make me long for a negative star button. If you’re going to make bold statements, ya gotta back it up with a citation. Even the most basic googling: “no man’s sky oculus rift” produces nothing but hints that the developer is considering that and/or morpheus support.

Seems like we should be eating insects. Like, lots of them. They’re everywhere, they have a natural crunch to the them. They don’t need to be deboned. I bet when cooked, they’re pretty neutral, taste-wise.

Can I make a 9/11 joke?

I liked it when it came out on DVD, haven’t seen it since, and don’t plan to. It’s a decently crafted dramedy that hasn’t aged well, at worst.

That’s cause, an average johnson on a petit 5’6” dude looks like this:

Give me a call when we start telling short men that it’s no longer socially acceptable for them to care about women’s appearance, personality, economic circumstances, or lifestyle.

People are insufferable in general.

I tried CFB - mainly the SEC games on Saturdays. Got tired of the low quality on the field. Did you know that from 2008-2013, more touchdowns were scored on fumble recoveries than passes of more than 8 yards?

I told my 11-year-old son this summer that he has to accept the fact that Brady had the balls doctored for the game. And that it’s not up to him to defend or hate Brady or Belicheck. I said it’s just a game, and we’ll continue to watch and root for them.

Clever response. Doesn’t negate what I said.

In previous years, it wouldn’t have made the news. I’d guess comm issues in games are fairly routine. The tech’s not perfect. But whatever.

Could you also do all that, and convincingly disguise it as a simple grounding/electrical problem?

I’d like to submit that this has nothing to do Pats fans. Put any team / region in a similar position of dynasty-level domination tainted by scandal, and you would see an identical response. The only things new england-y about it are the accents and cursing.